With the re-election of the Coalition government, conservatives have become emboldened to intensify their agenda of transferring even more wealth and power to the already dominant at the expense of the rest of us, writes Nick Fredman.

Kingborough Council voted to declare a statewide Climate Biodiversity Emergency on July 8, just three weeks after adjoining Hobart City Council became the first Australian capital city to do the same.

When billionaires advocate for social change, or adopt green issues, they are not doing so for the public good, but to reinforce an unequal status quo, writes Rupen Savoulian.

Nuclear power is currently enjoying a flurry of interest in Australia. But those promoting nuclear power are almost exclusively from the far right of the political spectrum, writes Jim Green.

The Murray-Darling river system is the lifeblood of Australian agriculture, but it is now in serious crisis.

A protest outside New South Wales Parliament on July 10 demanded the state government take real action to combat the dire situation facing the Murray-Darling river system.

Protesters gathered outside the NSW Independent Planning Commission (IPC) on July 16 to urge it and the Coalition state government to save the precious Bylong Valley, in Central West NSW, from a new thermal coalmine.

Extinction Rebellion activists disrupted numerous intersections in Brisbane’s CBD on July 11.

Aboriginal rights activists rallied on July 12 as part of the NAIDOC celebrations.

The National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee emerged in the 1920s as part of the struggle by Indigenous Australians for their rights.

Residents gathered at several sites near entrances to the environmentally and socially disastrous WestConnex tollway tunnel on July 13 to protest the opening of the NSW Coalition government's signature $27 billion transport nightmare.

RMIT University professor Rob Watts believes Australia needs a “Green Fair Go” — akin to the United States proposal of a “Green New Deal” — that would include a commitment to full employment through jobs linked to combating climate change.

Trade unionists and community activists converged at the DP World container terminal on Swanson Dock, West Melbourne, on July 12 to support the 600 Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) members midway through their four-day strike action.