Inner West Council has become the first local government in New South Wales to adopt a motion in solidarity with Kurdish mayors who have been removed from office by the Turkish state, reports Peter Boyle.

Last year was a very good year for the world’s wealthiest individuals, writes David Ruccio.

Continuing his reviews of graphic novels and comics, Andrew Chuter presents Fun Home, Alison Bechdel’s graphic memoir of growing up with her emotionally distant and closeted gay father.

Andrew Chuter reports on Friends of Erskineville's campaign for stations to include second entrances to lift patronage.

The devastating ecological impact of Melbourne's North East Link tollway project should force its rethink, writes Mary Merkenich.

August marked one year since the racist attacks on West Papuan students in Surabaya sparked a new uprising. Green Left spoke to Indonesian human rights lawyer Veronica Koman about the escalating conflict in West Papua and prospects for independence.

The contrasting treatment by the police of the white vigilante and Jacob Blake make clear the double standard of “race” and racism in the United States, writes Malik Miah

Galilee Blockade activists showed their support for the Wangan and Jagalingou Traditional Owners who evicted coal corporation Adani from their land in central Queensland, reports Coral Wynter.

For the first time in 23 years, 2.5 million pensioners will not receive their half yearly adjusted pension rise, writes George Zangalis.

Lessons need to be learned to stop a third and fourth wave coronavirus shutdown, says Jacob Andrewatha.

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States’ “maximum pressure” campaign against Venezuela continues to intensify, writes Yanis Iqbal.

Black Wave explores the rivalry between Iran and Saudi Arabia, and their struggle for influence in the Islamic world, writes Chris Slee