Unions have launched a plan to tackle the “broken” aged care system and protect workers at the front line, reports Jim McIlroy.
Refugee Amir Mirzaei was brought to Australia from Manus Island under the now-defunct Medevac law and he is still being detained. He asked Green Left to share his letter to the United Nations secretary-general.
Leonard Warwick, known as the “Family Court Bomber”, has finally been found guilty and sentenced to three life sentences. Sue Reilly writes about his misogyny and why he targeted the Family Court of Australia.
A new study by the Murray-Darling Basin Authority notes that water reform has largely failed to deliver for First Nations people, writes Tracey Carpenter.
The free trade agreement between the European Union and Mercosur will benefit EU multinationals, but poses serious disadvantages for industries in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, writes Veronica Ocvirk.
Any hopes raised by former prime minister Paul Keating's appearance at the royal commission into aged care were dashed by his advocacy of a user-pays system, writes Suzanne James.
Former PM Paul Keating's user-pays aged-care 'solutions' will not help, argues Jim McIlroy.
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