The Labor-Greens majority in the City of Parramatta is going to face some big challenges, writes Kerry Smith.

Kavita Krishnan reports on disturbing proposals by figures in Narendra Modi's government to subject women to greater state surveillance for their "protection".

A crowd-funding campaign has been launched for Australian Jock Palfreeman, who is fighting Bulgaria’s effort to expel him from the country and the European Union, writes Kerry Smith.

With the ongoing killing of anti-coup protesters in Myanmar/Burma, pressure is mounting on Australian companies to end their support for the country’s military, writes Allen Jennings.

False charges of have been dropped in a political trial against a Korean-Australian citizen, reports Jim McIlroy & Michael Hatrick


Environment groups slammed the NSW government’s new koala habitat policy that will remove protections for the vulnerable species, reports Jim McIlroy.

International Women's Day rally in Sydney

Christian Porter and Scott Morrison have tried their hardest to confuse the issues surrounding credible allegations of rape. Sarah Hathway and Kamala Emanuel argue grassroots mobilisations like #March4Justice can have a major impact.

Ongoing foreign occupations have lasted more than 20 years in Afghanistan and 18 years in Iraq. Neither has brought justice or peace to the region, argues Alex Bainbridge. 

As the NSW deputy coroner delivered its finding that Anaiwan-Dunghutti man Nathan Reynolds' death was by 'natural causes', another three First Nations people died in custody. Pip Hinman reports.

The Brazilian Supreme Court has annulled convictions against former president Lula da Silva, opening the way for him to run in the 2022 election, write Geisa Marques, Leandro Melito and Igor Carvalho.

Residents called an emergency action on March 10 to stop the auction of a home in Glebe, reports Kerry Smith.

Five years have passed since social leader and environmental activist Berta Cáceres was assassinated in her home in La Esperanza, Honduras, reports People's Dispatch.