Workers are being put in harm's way and the Australian Unemployed Workers’ Union and Living Incomes for Everyone want that to change. Isaac Nellist reports.

A social housing estate in Sydney's Inner West run by Mission Australia was put into hard lockdown on September 2, without the residents being given any warning. Rachel Evans reports.

Socialist Alliance councillors Rob Pyne, Sam Wainwright and Sue Bolton

Australia’s already unrepresentative electoral system is about to become even less democratic, reports Alex Bainbridge.

The Socialist Alliance will contest the Newcastle City Council elections, with a focus on affordable housing and real climate action. Kathy Fairfax reports.

A group of young Afghan women secretly held a press conference in a Kabul suburb on August 28 to launch a new women's movement against the Taliban and present their demands, reports Farooq Sulehria.

The North Parramatta Residents Action Group does not agree with relocating Willow Grove and is accusing the NSW government of using COVID-19 to desecrate the site. Susan Price reports.

Peter Boyle argues the federal government's increasingly shrill campaign to lift COVID-19 restrictions and "live with the virus" only serves the interests of big corporations.

Climate activists disrupted, locked on to and boarded a seismic testing ship in the port of Geelong on its way to search for new oil and gas deposits off the coast of King Island. Sue Bull reports.

Children in Kabul, Afghanistan in 2019 by Laura Quagliuolo

The daily Jeddojehad (Struggle), a left-wing online Urdu-language paper is posting reports from Kabul. Filed by Yasmeen Afghan (not the author’s real name), these reports depict picture from inside Kabul and cover what is often ignored in the mainstream media.

The quick collapse of the puppet government in Afghanistan and its army should not come as a surprise given the imperialists' criminal record. Sue Bolton argues that Australia's war criminals need to be held to account.

The daily Jeddojehad (Struggle), a left-wing online Urdu-language paper is posting reports from Kabul. Filed by Yasmeen Afghan (not the author’s real name), these reports depict the picture from inside Kabul and cover what is often ignored in the mainstream media.

A large zoom rally called for more Afghan refugees to be accepted and for permanent visas for refugees living here. Chris Slee reports.