While Indonesian soldiers are taking part in a joint training exercise with 150 Australian troops in the Northern Territory, West Papuan civilians are fleeing Indonesian military operations in the Maybrat region, reports Susan Price.

Transport Workers Union members at StarTrack walked off the job for 24 hours following the company’s refusal to negotiate a fair enterprise agreement. Jim McIlroy reports.

Waiting for Anya film

Barry Healy reviews a recent film about how French villagers saved Jewish children from the Holocaust during World War II.

Union and community activists want the New South Wales Coalition government to reverse its decision to scrap the historic Manly ferries. Jim McIlroy reports.

The only way to save Afghanistan is with the solidarity of progressive, democratic and secular forces, says Malalai Joya.

Extinction Rebellion and other climate activists began a fortnight of protests and disruptive actions on October 17 to call out the federal government’s failure to address the climate emergency, Isaac Nellist reports.

Within weeks, Greenland's parliament is expected to pass a bill reinstating a ban on uranium mining that was lifted in 2013 under pressure from mining companies, reports Peter Boyle.

Pip Hinman argues that Scott Morrison's much-belated conversion to net zero emissions by 2050 is nothing to celebrate.

Pro-democracy protests are again escalating in the Kingdom of Eswatini (Swaziland), after activists were temporarily scared off the streets by the killing of dozens of activists and bystanders by the armed forces, reports Maxime Bowen.

Wounded Country book cover

Wounded Country is a provocative record of voices from the frontline of the land and water grab of the past two centuries, writes Tracey Carpenter.

Hundreds of fascists forced their way into the Italian General Confederation of Labour (CGIL) headquarters in Rome on October 9, reports Dave Kellaway.

A well attended online forum shows the growing community concern against plans for a new gas terminal project in Corio Bay. Sue Bull reports.