The right to decide whether or not to have children is fundamental. Kamala Emanuel argues that those who say they want to ban abortion out of concern for women are having themselves on.

Nurses are leaving the profession in droves and the COVID-19 pandemic has pushed us to breaking point. Abigail Humphreys provides context to union members' decision to reject the 3% pay offer.

Protest albums from June 2022

Mat Ward looks back at June's political news and the best new music that related to it.

Where do we draw the line when deciding who has an “unfair” advantage in elite sports, asks Mary Merkenich

Four hundred people rallied outside the US Consulate to protest the United States Supreme Court decision to strike down the 1973 Roe v Wade ruling. Alex Salmon reports.

Successful 2015 counter protest against "Reclaim Australia" in Melbourne

The far right needs to be politically defeated, not banned, writes Jacob Andrewartha.

Prise march in Chile

Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets across Central and Latin America on June 25 to celebrate the gains made by LGBTIQ activists and demand further change, reports Ben Radford.

Ending deportations will be the real character test for the new Labor government, writes Janet Parker.

Anti war protest

Renfrey Clarke asks who really set the stage for the war and finds the answer in the aggressive military pressure exerted in the region by the United States and NATO.

Gideon Polya writes that free speech faltered and falsehood triumphed at the University of Melbourne, after the student union was forced to withdraw a motion condemning apartheid Israel.

More than 100 protesters defied police to stop traffic in the CBD on June 27 for just under an hour at 8am as part of Blockade Australia’s (BA) week of climate action. Rachel Evans reports.

Bolivia solidarity protest in Sydney on November 17.

Stephen Coates reviews Fue Golpe, which chronicles the coup that unfolded in Bolivia in November 2019 against the country’s elected president Evo Morales and the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) government.