
In an August 2 referendum, voters in Kansas resoundingly rejected a proposed amendment to remove the right to abortion from the state's constitution, reports Jake Johnson.

It is abundantly clear that billionaires run parliament. To take them on, we must build a party and movement capable of improving people’s lives outside the cycle of electoral politics, argues Max Chandler-Mather

The Australian Greens, with their biggest ever parliamentary caucus, are laying out plans for progressive change. Alex Bainbridge and Pip Hinman report.

Child in Yemen

Just weeks after visiting the Middle East, United States President Joe Biden’s administration approved more than US$5 billion in missile sales to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), reports Brett Wilkins.


International trade unions are calling on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to veto two anti-worker bills that were recently passed by parliament amid Russia’s invasion, reports Federico Fuentes.

Despite the Treasurer saying workers’ wages are not to blame for inflation, the government is not coming up with solutions to address wage stagnation, argues Jacob Andrewartha.

Government inaction in the face of a warming climate, developer greed and poor planning are to blame for the catastrophic impacts of recent floods in New South Wales, argues Ben Radford.

Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi's tour of Asia has deliberately and in a calculated manner heightened tensions in the region, writes William Briggs. It was designed to be provocative and has succeeded.

A Drum Rebellion-organised action outside Tanya Plibersek’s office urged her to protect kangaroos. Jesse Holly reports.

The billions of dollars wasted on military spending and tax cuts for the rich should be used to fund renewables, argues Peter Boyle

Jonathan Sriranganathan discusses what it mean for a political party to follow the principle of “grassroots participatory democracy”.

Jiyan Tolhildan

Jiyan Tolhildan (Salwa Yusuf), a leader of the Syrian Defence Force (SDF) Counter Terrorism Units, and who led the fight against ISIS, was murdered by Turkey in a drone strike on July 22, reports Sarah Glynn.