Extinction Rebellion (XR) organised a colourful and noisy three-day protest against the Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference at the Adelaide Convention Centre. Kerry Smith reports.

The United Nations Sub-committee on the Prevention of Torture had only just begun its long-awaited visit to check on detainees in Australia when it suddenly cancelled the visit. Paul Gregoire reports on the obstruction it faced while attempting to carry out its mandate.

Canadian and United States military aircraft in Haiti

The United States is searching for a formula to justify its fourth major military intervention into Haiti in a century, reports Kim Ives.

This is a revolution

The streets rang out with chants of "Be our voice", "Woman, Life, Freedom" and "One solution: revolution" as thousands marched through Brisbane rain. Alex Bainbridge reports.

German MPs from several democratic parties call for Julian Assange's release on October 19.

Jennifer Robinson, Julian Assange's lawyer, told the National Press Club that if the appeal fails and Assange is extradited to the US, his prison conditions will be at the whim of intelligence agencies which plotted to kill him. Binoy Kampmark reports.

More than 500 people rallied to show their solidarity with the pro-democracy movement that has erupted in Iran. Alex Salmon reports.