In last week's issue, CHRIS HARRIS demonstrated that the proposed Tasmanian pulp mill will harm the state's economy, requiring continual subsidies in order to be "competitive". Here he looks at the question of alternatives to the planned kraft,
A convicted kidnapper and torturer has been appointed as a member of the Fiji Army's seven-member United Nations observer team in Kuwait. Last October 24, Captain Sotia Ponijiasi led a team of soldiers that kidnapped and tortured one of Fiji's
By Paul Fitzgerald The sustainable development debate was embraced in government and business circles because it was seen as a way to appropriate environmental concern and incorporate it into the capitalist industrial paradigm. It serves only to
By David Easter Is North Korea being set up as the next "Iraq"? Korean solidarity activists have sounded a warning that Pyongyang may become the next "new world order" target. "There is a very striking pattern emerging in the statements of US
By Will Firth BERLIN — The Elbe is the third largest river in central Europe. It is also one of the most polluted. From its source in Czechoslovakia, the river flows 1165 km through the former two Germanies to enter the North Sea near Hamburg.
By Steve Painter With the WA Inc and other slush funds well and truly dried up, the Labor Party hierarchy is on the run over the uranium issue. Realising that big-dollar campaigns will be beyond the party for the foreseeable future, and that some
Editorial: Deliberately contributing to disaster Nine weeks after the end of the Gulf War, the Australian government has decided to send HMAS Darwin back to the region to help maintain the USA's blockade of Iraq. While bans on some foodstuffs have
By Norm Dixon According to Janet Hunt of the Australian Council for Overseas Aid, an increase in the foreign aid budget would create jobs for Australian teachers, doctors, dentists, engineers, technicians and others. Given the massive needs of the
By Dave Riley It's a new world, I tell you, a brave new world. I know this world because I know the Labor Party like I know the back of my hand. And you know, I think the devil got into it. It's possessed. I'm waiting for Bob Hawke's head to spin
Pornography and censorship Whilst I wholeheartedly agree with Angela Matheson's disgust at the images of violence and degradation which form the basis of pornography (write on, May 15), censorship is not an effective method to deal with it.
Twelve Palestinians were killed by the Israeli military in April, according to Ali Kazak, the Palestine Liberation Organisation representative in Australia. The youngest, a child of four, was deliberately struck by a military vehicle. Ten of the
A new US study shows that integrated pest management practices such as crop rotation and biological pest control could cut the country's pesticide use in half. The study estimates that food costs would increase US$1 billion per year (less than