tents with solidarity messages

Pro-Palestinian protests have spread to more than 70 campuses large and small across the United States. Crackdowns by administrators suspending students and using police to make arrests have only spurred them on, report Barry Sheppard and Malik Miah.

More than 5000 unionists, largely construction workers, marched through the CBD on May 1 to mark May Day, the international day of workers’ struggle. Jim McIlroy reports.

Pro-nuclear pundits are using push-polling tricks to sway opinions which include biased preliminary comments, biased questions, limited response options and misreporting the findings. Jim Green reports.

Labor’s package to help women escape violence is welcome but not nearly enough. Angela Carr argues that we need to be clear on what drives men to commit violence against women and address that, as well as assisting victim/survivors.

Palestine will be free: Student encampment begins at UQ

A Gaza solidarity encampment has recent been set up at the University of Queensland. Photos by Alex Bainbridge.

Students for Palestine at UQ

Students at the newly-formed Gaza solidarity encampment rallied against Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at the University of Queensland. Sam Morris reports.

Indian students protest for Palestine

The Gaza solidarity encampments established at more than 50 universities across the United States have inspired students around the world to pitch tents on campuses and demand universities cut ties with apartheid Israel.

The NSW Council for Civil Liberties has added its support to Freedom Flotilla initiative, saying it is both “a form of protest and as a humanitarian relief campaign”. Kerry Smith reports.

unionists with signs

The Volkswagen factory in Chattanooga, Tennessee was previously the only VW facility in the world without union representation. But all that changed on April 20, when workers voted in favour of unionisation in a three-day ballot, reports Malik Miah.

Queer Liberation Boorloo welcomes WA Labor's long-awaited announcement on gender reassignment reforms, but says it has more promises to the LGBTIQ community to keep. Nova Sobieralski  reports. 

protest for Palestine in Boorloo Perth

The Israeli authorities have been found wanting on accusations that Hamas terrorists filled the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), reports Binoy Kampmark.

Students protest for Palestine at Qld Uni

Students at more than 40 universities and colleges in the United States and around the world have lit a fire under the Palestine solidarity movement by setting up encampments on their campuses, reports Saurav Sarkar.