Leftist writer and academic Farooq Sulehria, who is editor of Jeddojehad.com, interviewed Bangladeshi scholar Navine Murshid about the student protests which brought down the government of Bangladesh.

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Derek Wall reviews Tad DeLay’s new book, Future of Denial: The ideologies of climate change, a Freudian Marxist take on the climate crisis that touches on how the far right is accelerating fossil fuel emissions and attacking minorities.

Labor has launched its push to become a renewable energy “superpower”. But, as Peter Boyle argues, any imagining of a green future needs to break imperial and colonialist power relations with the Global South.

About 200 refugees marched from the Department of Home Affairs in the Docklands area to the Australian Labor Party headquarters to demand an end to their uncertainty. Chris Slee reports.

Socialist Alliance launched its “liveable city” campaign for the City of Sydney Council. That and housing justice are the ticket’s campaign priorities. Jim McIlroy reports.



From Earth’s history to global heating, water crises and socialist strategy — Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents eight new books for radical readers.

Protesters march against Israeli apartheid and genocide, Magan-djin/Brisbane, August 11

The 44th week of consecutive protests against Israel’s genocide came one day after Israel bombed a school, killing more than 100 people. Alex Bainbridge reports.

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Mat Ward's latest album, Take the Rad Pill, fuses future bass, drum and bass, punk, electronic dance music and politics for a different sound, writes Susan Price.

The AUSMIN talks between the US and Australia provided another occasion for propaganda repeating the lie that the US military's expansion into South East Asia and Australia will lead to greater security. Binoy Kampmark reports.

Voting by postal ballot is underway in the National Tertiary Education Union in the University of Sydney with union members having until August 30 to decide on their new representatives. Jim McIlroy reports.

Jonathan Strauss argues that a fighting, democratic union movement would entail members and delegates’ meetings directing industrial action and political campaigns, opposing state intervention and not subordinating union strategy to Labor’s pro-capitalist project.

The latest episode of the Green Left Show features Sarah Williams, Sue Bolton and Renée Lees on how to stop violence against women.