Arson at PNG Forest Authority By Jon Land Fire on the weekend of June 5 destroyed extensive records of the Papua New Guinea Forest Authority. The PNG police are treating the case as arson. It comes in the midst of attempts by logging
New trade union for Indonesia? By Max Lane In a statement issued on June 13, the Free Discussion Forum (FBB), a group with extensive links among Jakarta factory workers, called for the formation of a new national trade union. The FBB
L'Ombre du Doute (A Shadow of Doubt) Directed by Aline Issermann Starring Mireille Perrier, Alain Bashung, Sandrine Blancke Opens at the Sydney Academy Twin, June 30 Reviewed by L. Pradhan Issermann says that all of her films deal with
Tuntuni Bhattacharyya and Pat Brewer Abortion is a political issue On July 11, pro-choice activists held a picket outside the NSW ALP conference. The picketers were demanding from delegates that the ALP end its conscience vote on abortion
Changes in Brazil's election law, voted in by the conservative majority in the Congress, have put new restrictions on opposition parties' rights to broadcast and disseminate their views. The original law, enacted before the 1989 election, gave
Return of the Buzzcocks By Lynda Hansen BRISBANE — The Buzzcocks, back after an eight-year break, played to 1500 people at the Site on June 13. Their unmistakable fresh and energetic sound chopped through my subconscious with the same
Ear to the Ground — Burra: Transitions — Continuing a feature series on South Australian history, this program looks at the former copper mining town of Burra in the state's mid-north. Cornish miners, Chilean muleteers, pigeons in the mine
Enjoy "After a dinner of Peking duck, I'll sign anything." — US diplomat Henry Kissinger in Beijing in 1972, "late at night after a banquet of Peking duck and powerful mao tai liquor", according to a long-secret RAND Corporation study of how the
By Gareth W.R. Smith CANBERRA — Gareth Evans, speaking of the November 1991 Dili killings, described them as "horribly aberrant behaviour ... rather than a deliberate, centrally directed act of state policy". However, the experience of
ADELAIDE — A lively forum at the Resistance Centre on June 18 discussed the events of May-June 1968, when a massive movement of students and workers in France changed the face of politics. Speakers explained the events and explored the implications
Indonesian warship fiasco By Jon Land A controversy has erupted in Indonesia over the refitting of 39 German warships purchased last year by the Suharto government. Technology and research minister Jusuf Habibie arranged the deal without
By Kath Gelber Legal reform and anti-discrimination measures have been the focus of much debate and activity in the lesbian and gay communities over recent years. Legal recognition of lesbian and gay relationships has been a particular