As of April 12, 21 nations had signed the Organisation of American States' (OAS) first regional convention to fight bribery and corruption. An editorial in the Washington Post praised the treaty, which the US and Canada had still not signed: "... For
Mother Teresa
Concerning your book review about Mother Theresa! Supposing everything mentioned is 100% true, why was there not one good word about her works? What other individual has accomplished so much with so little! Under such abysmal
By Sarah Stephen
HOBART — The May 25 election of three members of Tasmania's upper house, the Legislative Council, came under the spotlight this year because of the ongoing debate over gay law reform. This year three of the 19 council seats were
Late last month, the Tasmanian Legislative Council voted down a gay law reform bill put by the Greens and passed by the Legislative Assembly in early June. Green Left Weekly's NATALIE WOODLOCK interviewed RODNEY CROOME, spokesperson for Tasmania's
By Mairi Petersen
SHELLHARBOUR — Since 1983, the right-wing ALP-controlled Shellharbour Council has been determined to build a marina at Shellharbour Beach, about 20 km south of Wollongong. Despite the conflict of such a scheme with stated ALP
Call for lesbian and gay men to fight Howard's attacks
By Samantha Lazzaro and Nick Everett
BRISBANE — Four hundred people rallied here on June 29 as part of the annual Pride Festival. The theme of this year's rally and festival was "One
The Life of GalileoBy Bertolt BrechtIn a new translation by David HareDirected by Richard WherrettWith John Howard as GalileoSydney Theatre CompanyOpera House, Sydney until July 20Reviewed by Allen Myers This new production of Brecht's Galileo has
By Renfrey Clarke
MOSCOW — In the presidential poll on June 16, Boris Yeltsin gained about 35% of the vote compared with 32 % for his main rival, Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF) leader Gennady Zyuganov. Then, within two days,
Ready or Not: Stories of Young Adult SexualityEdited by Mark McLeodRandom House, 1996308pp., $14.95Reviewed by Jen Crothers Being a young adult is never easy. There are the inevitable conflicts with "old adults" about school, work, drugs and
By Maree Roberts
CANBERRA — At the June 26 CPSU ACT branch conference, delegates voted for the branch leadership to organise a mass meeting as soon as possible to put a motion to the members for strike action against the cuts. It has become
The recent attacks on higher education, including the threat to increase HECS and introduce more up-front fees, have provoked huge mobilisations by students and the National Tertiary Education and Industry Union around the country. Green Left
KATY TYRRELL, a member of British Militant Labour and leader in UNISON, the biggest trade union in Europe, visited Australia in May. Green Left Weekly's LISA MACDONALD interviewed her in Sydney. Question: What will the election of a Blair-led Labour
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