Motion on support for democracy The following motion, adopted by the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union national seminar held on August 17-18, can be put to trade union members and delegates' meetings at the branch, state or national
Save our ABC: The Case for Maintaining Australia's National BroadcasterEdited by M. Fraser & Joseph O'Reilly$10.00 from Friends of the ABC in each state: GPO Box 4065MM Melbourne 3001; PO Box 1391 North Sydney 2059; 7 Grantley Ave Rostrevor 5073; 344

Phil Shnnon reviews Liberty Against the Law: Some Seventeenth Century Controversies, by Christopher Hill.

By Alex Bainbridge NEWCASTLE — Right wing student politicians are the big winners in the election of delegates to the National Union of Students, winning the first three positions. At least two were won by the ALP's right wing Unity faction. The
By Marina Cameron Vice-chancellors and the National Tertiary Education and Industry Union (NTEU) joined forces before the budget to demand supplementary funding for a long-awaited pay rise for academics and general staff. Since the budget came
By Kylie Moon HOBART — Student elections on the Hobart campus of the University of Tasmania finished last week. The successful candidate for president, Catherine Miller, won 807 of the 1382 votes. Sarah Stephen, from the Resistance ticket, won
Legalised sexual assault Strip searchProduced by Simmering Video and Coalition Against Police ViolenceReviewed by Justine Kamprad This video documentary discusses strip search as a form of sexual assault and humiliation. It provides an interesting,
How about terminations for telephones? How are you today sir? Very fine, yes? Looking for something special? You've come to the right place. Come, let me show you. Never mind the quality, feel the width. And cheap! So cheap! You won't believe me
Successful fight back forum By Alex Bainbridge NEWCASTLE — Thirty people from a variety of backgrounds attended the Fight Back Seminar here on September 14, initiated by the Democratic Socialist Party. Speakers and participants included the
By Chris Martin Aboriginal organisations working to reunite children of the "stolen generation" with their families will be shielded from the effects of the federal government's 11% cut to indigenous funding, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait
By Tony Smith The Sydney Theatre Company demonstrated a modern approach to the sale of its 1997 season of plays by inviting media and friends to the theatre for an upbeat launch. The set was dominated by strawberry mountains and champagne lakes big
By Jeremy Oxley Covering an area the size of western Europe, Tibet consists of a vast plateau at an average altitude exceeding 4000 metres. It is one of the most sensitive and unique environments on Earth. Following the 1950 invasion of Tibet by