Bonds Wear strike By Andrew Hall WOLLONGONG — About 300 workers are on strike at the Unanderra factory of Bonds Wear in a bid for a 10% pay rise. At a mass meeting on November 11, the workers, mainly women, rejected an 8% pay increase and went
By Jennifer Thompson As the Middle East and North Africa Cairo Economic Conference drew to a close, speculation increased that an agreement for Israeli redeployment from sections of the Palestinian West Bank city of Hebron would be signed. The
NEWCASTLE — Workers at Forgacs Engineering in Hexham are close to settling an enterprise bargaining agreement (EBA) after lengthy and heated negotiations. The EBA period began in mid-July after workers forced management to begin negotiations.
Anti-racist activists in Queensland are gearing up for a rally in Pauline Hanson's home town of Ipswich on November 23. The Anti-Racist Campaign (ARC) has been meeting in Brisbane for a month, and a new anti-racist group began meeting in Ipswich on
Amnesty International anti-union? Amnesty International in the United States — an organisation that champions the right of workers around the globe to organise — is embroiled in a dispute over the right of its own employees to join a trade
Doctors stop work Rolling stoppages of doctors in public hospitals across NSW began on November 13. The stoppages are part of a campaign to oppose the government's restriction on Medicare provider numbers. The restriction will mean that about a
PNG gold mine causes 30 deaths Villagers in the vicinity of the Mount Victor gold mine in PNG's Eastern Highlands have fled, claiming cyanide leaking from the mine tailings dam and other facilities is getting into the local waterways and causing
By Max Lane Between November 14 and 16, thousands of East Timorese youth demonstrated at the University of East Timor and outside the governor's office in Dili in solidarity with Bishop Belo. Belo has come under verbal attack from the Indonesian
By Bill Day and Sally Mitchell DARWIN — A determined group of pensioners and their carers are making a stand against the Darwin City Council (DCC) policy of harassing homeless Aboriginal people. In the last council elections, Mayor George Brown
Resistance is putting up motions for NUS to prioritise a year-long campaign, initially under the slogan of "Education for all, not just the rich!", with a large national budget. We are calling for student general meetings to be held on every campus
Left activist receives death threats By Lisa Macdonald It seems that right-wingers will go to any extreme to silence the growing public opposition to Pauline Hanson, John Howard and Co's racist attacks. West Coast Council member Ian Jamieson has
By Iggy Kim Australia First's Graeme Campbell was dumped from the ALP only last year. He'd been a proud racist in the ALP for a long time before that. In his final years in the party, he repeatedly whined about (two of) Prime Minister Paul