By Jeremy Smith Last year an education alliance was formed among student unions, the NTEU and other campus unions and the vice-chancellors, in opposition to the Howard government's tertiary education funding cutbacks. It was quietly acknowledged
Cleaning Up Eveleigh Street White cirrus above crumbling streetAboriginal mural manifested along brick wallover a train line, locals drinking on their verandas on busted seatsgarbage piled bursting out green bins feeding a moody fire — Zero
By John Foster In a recent front-page article in the Latrobe Valley Express, Health Services Union of Australia organiser Doug Byron revealed a number of serious outstanding concerns among his members, warning that uncertainty among staff at the
The SeagullBy Anton ChekhovTranslated by Oleg Bichenkov, Anatoly Frusin and Neil ArmfieldDirected by Neil ArmfieldBelvoir Street Theatre, Sydney, until April 13 Review by Allen Myers "Unrequited love's a bore", according to the song. Not in
By Eva Cheng Readers of the western press are told that the economy in China has been "booming" in recent years and the people living in increasing "prosperity" due to their new-found economic freedom. The tens of millions of workers in
By Glen Barry Asian industrial loggers are poised to significantly impact the world's largest rainforest wilderness, the Amazon. Within the past year, several of south-east Asia's biggest forestry conglomerates — known for abysmal
Irish nationalist vote to be split By Mike Heaney Social Democratic and Labour Party leader John Hume has rejected Sinn Féin's proposal for an electoral pact in the upcoming Westminster elections. Sinn Féin chairperson Mitchel
Growing support for Indonesian election boycott By James Balowski In the context of widespread anger against the ousting of popular opposition figure Megawati Sukarnoputri from her position as leader of the Indonesian Democratic Party
Health gap grows By Marina Cameron Recent medical studies have confirmed that the single most important health issue worldwide is the growing gap between rich and poor. Health inequalities are widening alongside income inequalities, both
Legal aid crisis escalates By Stuart Russell SYDNEY — On March 5, thousands of legal services workers, trade unionists, community organisations and supporters joined lunchtime rallies around the country to protest the Howard
Hired guns@column head = Hired guns By Peter Boyle There is a growing market out there for hired guns, helicopter gunships, fighter jets and tanks, and the "professionals" who will use these lethal instruments for a fee. When it
Socialist candidates call for community control By Bill Mason BRISBANE — "Brisbane needs a council that is controlled by ordinary working people, who are the majority — not a council that panders to developers and big business: a