Bite in SA budget By Anne Pavy ADELAIDE — Despite being described as "almost mild" by current Australian standards, the SA budget delivered by Premier-Treasurer John Bannon on August 29 will have a nasty bite for many people. Government
By Val Plumwood I have a friend in Canberra, Sean, who is a child-care worker, a gentle person who hates war and loves working with children. The work is important but, because it is seen as women's work, it doesn't carry any sickness benefits. In
Hunger strike at Chinese embassy Li Lu, a student leader during the 1989 pro-democracy demonstration in Tienanmen Square in Beijing, is currently on a hunger strike in front of the Chinese embassy in Washington, DC. He began his fast on August
Women rally against Nile bill By Rose McCann SYDNEY — Three thousand people rallied and marched here on September 7 to support a woman's right to choose abortion. The rally was called by the Women's Abortion Action Campaign and sponsored by

This year's Perspecta was an understandably Greinerised affair, chopped back a bit (they couldn't afford the two dimensional artists), privatised to the hilt and for the most part lacking a bit of soul.

By Norm Dixon The South African government was involved in a plot to assassinate a leader of the African National Congress as part of a coup in the "independent" Transkei bantustan. The target was Chris Hani, a senior member of the ANC's national
GOLD COAST — A "Black and White night charity bash" is being organised by Surfers Against Nuclear Destruction on Friday, September 13, beginning at 8 p.m. at the Kirra Pub. It will feature Gun Shy & Punk Tured Lung. A Ride For Peace on Sunday,
Interview By Renfrey Clarke An economist and specialist on the problems of women in the workplace, ANASTASIYA POSADSKAYA is head of the Gender Studies Centre within one of the institutes of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. She was interviewed in
Comment by Marit Hegge Much has appeared in this paper over the last few months about the possible formation of a national Green Party. Most of it has inferred that the process is "top down", undemocratic and, at the worst, that its leading
Pragmatist "From the moral point of view, there is no difference between personal terror and collective terror. Here and there blood is spilled, here and there people are killed. One must look and judge it from the point of view of the utility of
By Col Hesse SYDNEY — Openness, public participation and environmental protection are among the key issues being pushed by a range of progressive candidates in the local council elections to be held across NSW on September 14. These issues
By Noel McGuire Patrick White — A life By David Marr Random House. 727 pp. $49.95 hardback Reviewed by Noel McGuire After he won the Nobel prize, Patrick White became a Living National Treasure. The fact that, to a large extent, his work