Curragh miners strike By Bill Mason BRISBANE — Production at Blackwater's Curragh coal mine in central Queensland stopped on May 9 when 300 workers voted unanimously to strike for two weeks. Workers at the Arco-owned operation set up
Anti-gay tirade in Queensland By Bill Mason BRISBANE — The mayor of outer suburban Pine Rivers shire, Yvonne Chapman, has given local residents permission for bigotry and hatred against homosexuals, according to Gay and Lesbian Welfare
East Timor student sanctuary network launched By Sarah Peart As part of the May 17-24 "Free East Timor! Democracy for Indonesia!" week of action, Resistance will launch a student sanctuary network. The network will work together with the
By Eva Cheng An estimated 50,000 to 100,000 angry protesters took to the streets in Taipei on May 4 calling on Prime Minister Lien Chan to resign and President Lee Teng-hui to apologise for the failure to check an increase of violent crime.
By Peter Gellert MEXICO CITY — Mexican workers marked May Day with huge demonstrations in the country's capital. Workers have plenty to demonstrate about. At least 70 % of the population lives in poverty, the price of the basic foods and
Overseas Chinese 'defend' islands By Eva Cheng A handful of right-wingers led by Japanese legislator Shingo Nishimura made a provocative landing on May 6 on an islet of Diaoyu Islands (or what the Japanese called Senkaku Islands), the
By Norm Dixon Police on May 5 and 6 raided the offices and homes of activists and organisations involved in the Port Moresby demonstrations in March against the Chan government's deployment of mercenaries on Bougainville. Three leading activists
On the May 8 national day of action against education cuts and undergraduate fees staff and students staged large demonstrations across the country. Around Australia, demonstrators heard speakers from the National Union of Students (NUS), the
Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Thursday, 10pm, and Saturday, 7pm. Access News — Melbourne
By Norm Dixon Members of South African Municipal Workers' Union (SAMWU) on May 1 launched a nine-day nationwide campaign of protests against the privatisation of municipal services. The campaign includes daily demonstrations outside town halls
Detroit labour march setDetroit labour march set By Barry Sheppard Newspaper workers now in the 22nd month of a strike have won important support in a call by top American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations
The CastleCity and suburban cinemas Review by Brendan Doyle A bloke's home is his castle, right? Wrong. That's the big illusion of tow truck driver Darryl Kerrigan, who built his own emoh ruo next to the airport because land was cheap. When