By Norm Dixon Audiences in three states will have the opportunity to see and hear South Africa's number one reggae and recording star, Lucky Dube, and his 13-piece band, when they tour in late September and early October. Lucky's performances
Gun laws: reply The letter by Chris Pickering, Russell Pickering and Stefan Skibicki (Letters, GL #27) seems to be predicated on a misreading of my comment on the gun law debate (GL #25), i.e., they seem to assume that I argued against a ban on the
By David Robie AUCKLAND — Fijian and New Zealand protest groups plan a direct action campaign to halt or disrupt a visit by military coup leader Major-General Sitiveni Rabuka. Rabuka plans to address the annual conference of the Pacific
By Jim McIlroy BRISBANE — I wonder whether those intoxicated by the triumphal hysteria of recent weeks about the "end of Communism" are capable of realising the bitter irony: while Australian farmers being forced to plow their crops under
Australian nukes? Two Australian companies are listed in "The Directory of Australian Industry Defence Capability DRB 29", 1990, as being involved in the manufacture of nuclear ordnance. In the Directory's Section 3 — Products, the Extrusion
By Peter Gellert MEXICO CITY — On a busy, crowded street here, among thousands of US products offered by ambitious street vendors, one finds dietetic chocolate fudge soda. In case you're wondering how something that contains chocolate fudge can
Phil Shannon The Gulf Between Us: The Gulf War And Beyond Edited by Victoria Brittain London: Virago. 1991. 186 pp., $17.95 (pb) Reviewed by Phil Shannon The English Guardian is the voice of liberal politics, that blend of "responsible"
The seven day song cycle Two: Sheila em = By Tony Smith Sheila, eyes yellowed from grief, looked into mine, glassy with shame "I love you", she said "I love you, you know." Her uncle squatting propped against the tree beside her smiled his
By Vanessa Hearman A lot doing on the fringe By Vannessa Hearman Photo by Bronwen Beechey MELBOURNE — The Fringe Arts Festival opened here on September 7 and runs until September 28. Fringe started in 1982, intended as a huge forum for
By Bernie Brian WOLLONGONG — Wollongong Out of Workers Union (WOWU) convener Nick Southall believes that after 10 years of consistently high unemployment, a renewed spirit of anger is emerging in the community. WOWU was formed in 1982, when
By Peter Annear BONN — Die Grünen — the German Green Party — aim to establish a "red-green" government following the next all-German elections in 1994, according to party national spokesperson Ludger Volmer, who has proposed seeking a
Kim Shipton Anorexia and bulimia nervosa are traumatic eating disorders experienced by alarming numbers of adolescents and young adults. Eating disorders are sometimes caused by the fear and shock of sexual abuse — a method of escape from
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