'Equality': Hanson's cover for racism By Peter Boyle "We must get across the message", said Pauline Hanson at her May 30 meeting in Newcastle, "that to call for all Australians to be treated equally is not racism, to say that to be
Huxley: Evolution's High PriestBy Adrian DesmondMichael Joseph, 1997. 370 pp., $40 (hb) Review by Phil Shannon Thomas Huxley was "Darwin's Bulldog", a brilliant scientist and fearless propagandist for Darwin's theory of evolution. Whereas
By Nikki Ulasowski BODENSTOWN, Ireland — Ten thousand people from around Ireland attended the annual Wolfe Tone commemoration here on June 22. The large procession, piped and drummed along by marching bands representing many communities, wound
Reforming Australia's UnionsEdited by Michael Costa and Mark HearnFederation Press, 1997.290pp., $24.95(pb) Review by James Vassilopoulos With the ALP's Prices and Incomes Accord now dead, it's easy to be sceptical about it, to express concern
By Bronwen Beechey MELBOURNE — Environmental groups and inner-city residents are outraged at the Victorian government's decision to keep the Coode Island chemical storage plant on the edge of the city. On June 24, planning minister Rob
James Vassilopoulos The Democrats and the Liberals have struck a deal guaranteeing the passage of the Liberals' Aged Care Reform Bill through the Senate. The Australian Nursing Federation slammed the Democrats for caving in to the federal
Since 1987, Dr HELEN JARVIS has visited Cambodia regularly and worked there for extended periods in 1991, 1992-93 and 1995. She has worked with the National Library of Cambodia in its rebuilding after the Pol Pot years and in training of librarians.
By Alex Bainbridge HUNTER VALLEY — On June 27, the 17th day of their strike, workers at the Coal & Allied (C&A) Hunter Valley No. 1 coal mine again voted unanimously to continue their strike. The action comes after two years of negotiations
By Chris Spindler SYDNEY — In an all-too-rare finding of blame, the giant chemical company ICI is facing a pay-out of hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation to graziers and meat processors. ICI distributed the insecticide Helix, which
— Throughout the Palestinian and Israeli left, a serious discussion is occurring over the Oslo Accords and their inability to deliver peace, a Palestinian state or an improvement in life for the majority of Palestinians. Green Left Weekly's ADAM
Traditional owners say 'no' to Jabiluka uranium By Susan Laszlo The battle to preserve the unique wilderness of Kakadu, safeguarded by Aboriginal people for some 60,000 years, has reached a critical point. By August, Energy Resources
By Sean Healy Organisers of the 26th Resistance national conference have scheduled a special tribute to murdered East Timorese resistance leader David Alex as part of the conference. Alex, the second in command of the Falintil guerillas, was