Around 150 activists and supporters of the anti-racism campaign attended the Fight Racism National Conference at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) on September 27-28. The conference was supported by a range of campaign groups and socialist
Thousands rally against Badgerys By Dave Wright and Gail Lord SYDNEY — On September 21, more than 2000 people packed the Blacktown Civic Centre in Sydney's west to protest against the proposed second airport at Badgerys Creek. The rally
Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Thursday, 10pm and Saturday, 7pm. Access News — Melbourne
By Barry Healy One hundred representatives of native peoples from Brazil, Venezuela and Guyana held their first ever summit in Boa Vista, capital of Brazil's northernmost state of Roraima, for four days at the end of August. Leaders from the
By Jane Beckmann HUNTER VALLEY — Last week the dispute at the Hunter Valley No 1 coal mine near Singleton escalated. Unable to defeat the miners, Rio Tinto has applied to the Australian Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) to be allowed to
Mining companies should 'fund famine relief' The Australian non-government organisation AID/WATCH is calling on Australian companies and multinationals operating in Papua New Guinea to commit a percentage of their profits to drought-ravaged
Greens challenge in SA elections By Melanie Sjoberg ADELAIDE — The Greens SA will contest both the Legislative Assembly and lower house in the state elections on October 11. Paul Petit and Rita Helling will stand for the Legislative
Profits and sea levels Apart from the continuing support for the occupation of East Timor, almost "part of the furniture" of Australian governments whatever the name of the party in power, there are two things which I find almost too much to
By Jennifer Thompson On September 4, the day the Coalition's Wik bill went before parliament, John Howard told the ABC's 7.30 Report that obstruction of the bill would mean Aboriginal people could have a "veto over the further development
Labour hire workers on strike By Sue Bolton MELBOURNE — After three and a half weeks on strike, a September 24 mass meeting of Australian Manufacturing Workers Union members who work for labour hire companies voted to continue their
By Norm Dixon Delegates attending the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) sixth national congress, on September 16-19, have sharply criticised the economic policies of the African National Congress government and its failure to
By Lachlan Malloch Kerry Packer's Channel Nine has teamed up with arch-rival Rupert Murdoch in an apparent effort to solve Australia's unemployment crisis. The result was "Jobs for Australia", screened nationally on September 17. It was four