Not in Kakadu, not anywhere! By Andrew Gough KAKADU — The November 5 "open day" at the Ranger uranium mine was met with an emotional, non-violent protest against the approval by the federal government of a new uranium mine at nearby Jabiluka.
Ontario teachers strike for jobs By Paul Howes and Becky Ellis More than 126,000 teachers in Ontario, Canada have launched an indefinite strike. The teachers, from both public and private schools, walked out of school on October 27. Negotiations
Buena Vista Social ClubFeaturing Compay Segundo, Rubén González, Eliades Ochoa, Ibrahim Ferrer, Omara Portuondo, Ry CooderIntroducing Rubén GonzálezRubén GonzálezA Todo Cuba le GustaAfro-Cuban All StarsWorld
Rally against Olympic rent increases By Margaret Gleeson SYDNEY — Rentwatchers, a coalition of community groups (including Redfern Legal Centre, Tenants Union of NSW, Tenants Advice Services and Shelter NSW) has called a demonstration outside
By Emma Webb ADELAIDE — A painting by artist Pro Hart — donated to Campaign Against Racism — raised $450 when it was auctioned on November 3. The painting was donated after its owner heard that Hart had donated a painting to One Nation. CAR
Israeli house demolitions punish innocent Palestinians By Adam Hanieh RAMALLAH — The Israeli military has ordered the demolition of the homes of four alleged suicide bombers in the West Bank village of Asira. The order is based on the Emergency
KissedA film by Lynne StopkewichWith Molly Parker and Peter OuterbridgeDendy Cinemas Review by Sean Healy Ooh, yuck, you say, and quite understandably — that was my reaction when I heard what this film was about necrophilia. That's right, it's a
Perth women reclaim the night By Mary Nielson PERTH — Approximately 2000 women gathered at Claremont Park on Bayview Terrace on the evening of October 31 for the annual Reclaim the Night rally and march. This was a significant turnout in
AYPAC and young people's rights Comment by Sibylle Kaczorek CANBERRA — The Australian Youth Policy and Action Coalition (AYPAC) held its national representative board meeting here over three days at the end of October. The board brings together
Comment by Emma Lea and Robert Ryan Some people consider vegetarianism an inconsequential fad. However, it is one of the most simple and powerful things a person can do to promote personal health, a reduction in environmental destruction and the
Who benefits from Australian foreign aid? The report of the committee to review Australia's overseas aid program was presented to foreign minister Alexander Downer in May by former Woolworth's executive Paul Simons, the chair of the committee.
Surrounded by sharks "I think we were on a vary big wave and all of a sudden we've been beached. And I think the Labor Party is the only party in this country that can get us back on the wave." — University of NSW Professor Paul Keating. Human