NTEU council plans campaigns In October, the national council of the National Tertiary Education and Industry Union met to discuss future directions, campaigns and policies. Green Left Weekly's JEREMY SMITH spoke to CAROLYN ALLPORT, federal
Social Security I work the phones and everydayhear how the country is going to the dogs,but bastards like me wouldn't know about that,would I?"It's disgusting, it's a disgrace,I want action, I want the ministeronto my case.What do you people
Dr TIM DOYLE is a founding member of the Environment Institute of Australia, founding president of the Ecopolitics Society, a founding member and current secretary of the Ecopolitical Association of Australasia and a member of the Political Studies
By Renfrey Clarke MOSCOW — Unpaid in many cases for months, large numbers of Russian workers are spoiling for a fight. After record-setting levels of labour struggles during the first half of 1997, there has been a renewed rise in the autumn.
Pop fodder Forest For the TreesCarl StephensonUniversal Music Review by James Smith This 12-track album is produced, recorded, engineered, arranged and mixed by hip-hop guru Carl Stephenson. Stephenson's credentials are immaculate. One of
CPSU members rally to defend conditions By Paul Oboohov CANBERRA — A majority of Community and Public Sector Union members in the ACT last week voted for lunchtime rallies on November 28 to oppose the Howard government's attacks on public
Men & sexual politics: Towards a profeminist practiceBy Bob PeaseDulwich Centre Publications, 1997. 178 pp., $32 Review by Barry Healy I approached this book with a little trepidation. My fear was that it might be some sort of wanky, New Age
Bon appétit "It will not work. There is too much greed on the part of manufacturers and others." — Bob Beale, former chief executive of Edgell, on self-regulation in the food industry. Cross our hearts "I don't give [Chinese
By Tracy Sorensen SYDNEY — How can a psychotic hit man redeem himself? Knocking off Pauline Hanson might be a good start. Lone Gunman Theory is a fast, reckless, feature-length no-budget video which follows the exploits of a lone nihilist with
By Sean Healy A plan for campaigning against the privatisation of higher education and against racism, and support for International Women's Day are some of the proposals that the socialist youth organisation Resistance will be taking to this