Counting for Nothing: What Men Value and What Women Are WorthBy Marilyn WaringWellington: Bridget Williams Books, 1997(Originally: Allen & Unwin NZ, 1988)$24.95 Review by Greg Ogle It is 10 years since Marilyn Waring published Counting for
Correction In our March 25 edition, the article "WA parliament debates abortion laws" mistakenly reported that one amendment to the WA government's abortion bill required a woman to wait for a 30-day "cooling off" period after receiving permission
Tax office seeks non-union agreement By Chris Slee MELBOURNE — Australian Taxation Office managers are conducting a staff vote on a non-union certified agreement. The proposed agreement includes provisions that will make it easier to sack
By Will Williams CANBERRA — On March 26, 500 staff and students attended a rally at the Australian National University to protest against the continuing attacks on education. The rally marched to the ANU Chancellery where it was met by police.
Port Botany picketers demand a fair go By Cameron Parker SYDNEY — Waterside workers at Patrick Stevedoring's Port Botany facility called a week-long strike from March 25. Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) members are staffing around-the-clock
By James Vassilopoulos On March 20, the premiers walked out of their annual conference with the federal government after just 90 minutes in protest at the proposed new Medicare agreement. Howard offered an extra $3 billion over the five-year life
By James Vassilopoulos People Against Rio Tinto Zinc and Subsidiaries (PARTiZANS) publish a newsletter of the same name. The latest issue contains much useful information. PARTiZANS is the group which produced the book Plunder, detailing the
By Max Lane Fears are held for the physical safety for Andi Arief who was kidnapped at gunpoint from a house in Lampung, South Sumatra, at 10.30am on March 28. Arief is the chairperson of Students in Solidarity for Democracy in Indonesia and was
By Susan Price MELBOURNE — Support is broadening for a pro-choice demonstration on April 4. April has been nominated a "month of pro-choice action" by Melbourne's recently formed Pro Choice Coalition. Abortion providers, ethnic groups, health
Crow Fire MusicWaak Waak JungiLarrikin Music through Festival Review by Barry Healy This unpretentious recording of traditional and contemporary Aboriginal music gently pushes back the parameters of what is generally understood as "tradition". It
Jabiluka forum at Tas Uni HOBART — In support of the national campaign to stop the Jabiluka uranium mine, the Resistance Club at the University of Tasmania held a forum on uranium mining on March 24. Hugh Lockwood spoke about the threats
The blockade of the Jabiluka mine in Kakadu National Park in the NT, and the April 5 national day of action, demonstrate the widespread opposition to this new uranium mine. The campaign's success will depend very much on the commitment of the