INDONESIA — The following letter was written by East Timorese resistance leader XANANA GUSMAO and Indonesian People's Democratic Party leader BUDIMAN SUJATMIKO on June 3 in Cipinang Prison. The letter was smuggled out of the prison by a
Last week, the national coordinator of Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor (ASIET) and Asia Pacific Institute member, MAX LANE, returned from a week-long visit to Indonesia. Green Left Weekly's JILL HICKSON spoke to him about his
CPSU leaders accept ATO deal By Chris Slee The tax section council of the Community and Public Sector Union has voted to recommend acceptance of Australian Taxation Office (ATO) management's latest agency agreement offer. Section secretary Shane
US military drive against growing insurgency in Colombia By Barry Sheppard The Pentagon, worried about recent left-wing guerilla victories, is stepping up the flow of arms and training to Colombia's military, under cover of the "war on
Baffled by the shift Blinded by the SunBy Stephen PoliakoffDirected by Sandra BatesWith Peter Kowitz, Lorraine Bayly, Andrew McFarlane, Tammy MacIntosh, Norman Kaye, Tina Bursill, Kate Fischer, Ron GrahamEnsemble TheatreThe Playhouse, Sydney Opera
NSW public servants launch industrial campaign By Jenny Long SYDNEY — NSW public servants gathered in 108 clubs around the state on June 12 for stop-work meetings linked by Sky Channel to vote on recommendations for an industrial campaign for a
French workers could be World Cup winners By James Vassilopoulos A range of French workers, from pilots to train workers, have made use of the world's main soccer tournament, being held in France this month, to press for a "World Cup bonus" and
On May 26, Australian Greens Senator Bob Brown put a motion to the senate that the senate call on Indonesian President Habibie to: a) release Xanana Gusmao immediately and ensure his unhindered freedom as an advocate for East Timor; and b) allow
Tax discrimination Tax "reform", in particular the GST, is looming as a key issue in the next federal election. Labor PM Paul Keating, Liberal leader John Hewson and now John Howard have all attempted to sell us the idea that a broad-based
Jobs at risk despite Kennett backdown By Kylie Moon MELBOURNE — Workers from the Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DNRE) won a partial victory in a campaign against the Victorian government's proposal to cut $24 million from the
Worse than death row By Brandon Astor Jones “This is what counts — not this other kind of stuff about Linda Tripp, [Monica Lewinsky and Paula Jones ]. Who cares?” — Ann Landers I have been asked by my editor to, on
The battle for the health vote By James Vassilopoulos As the next federal election looms, a Taverner poll published by the Sydney Sun-Herald on May 17 found that 70% said that health would be an important federal election issue for