By Jon Land During the visit of foreign affairs minister Alexander Downer to Indonesia on July 9-11, the federal government's reluctance to make any significant change of policy on East Timor became clearer. Against the trend of other governments

A report released this month by Te Puni Kokiri — New Zealand's Ministry of Maori Development — shows that in employment, wealth, health and other areas, the gap between Maori and non-Maori has widened since the late 1980s.

By Regan Davis and Tim E. Stewart BRISBANE — "Anti-racists on your feet! Join the march on Boundary Street". This was the call of Democratic Socialists as they marched through cosmopolitan West End here on June 25. Chants of "Hanson, Howard,
Spreading protests undermine Indonesian military By Max Lane Eight weeks after the forced resignation of President Suharto, a strong campaign by human rights groups has forced the Habibie-Wiranto regime to admit that the elite commando corps,
Objection noted By Brandon Astor Jones "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ..." "In all criminal prosecutions ... the accused shall enjoy the right to a ... trial, by
By Saffron Howden In News of a Kidnapping, Colombian novelist and journalist Gabriel García Márquez described journalism as "fortunately, power without the throne". Such a view presents a myriad of problems, not the least of which is
Hone Harawira.

A short history of Maori struggle The following is abridged from a talk given to the Asia Pacific Solidarity Conference in Sydney at Easter by Maori activist Hone Harawira.

East Timor independence rally By Adrian Gibbs CANBERRA — About 300 East Timorese and their supporters marched under the unity flag from Parliament House to the Indonesian embassy on July 19. The event marked the anniversary of East Timor's
Punishing the poor The Pauline Hanson/John Howard/Bettina Arndt pact has been sealed in blood. Not their blood, of course, but that of sole mothers who are being sacrificed on the altar of "family values". Hanson on July 16 called for the
By Jim Green Anti-Hanson, anti-racist protests — in particular the secondary school walkouts organised by Resistance — have received a deluge of media attention in recent weeks. Nowhere has this been more than in Sydney, following an
Native title: a sell-out of land rights Wiradjuri woman JENNY MUNRO, chair of the Metropolitan Local Land Council, spoke to the Network of Women Students of Australia conference at the University of Western Sydney on June 30 — the day that
APEC '99: trading in hype ON JULY 13, the Aotearoa/New Zealand APEC Monitoring Group announced details of its campaign against the NZ government for hosting the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meetings in 1999 and to educate New Zealanders