By Max Lane The widespread protests against the Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Mohammad's sacking of deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim have revealed an unexpected depth of discontent among urban Malay youth and professionals. Twice during the
By John Nebauer It's been said that the only honest person to enter parliament was Guy Fawkes (who tried to blow up the English parliament building in the early 1600s). Looking at the major parties in Australia, one is inclined to agree. But there
By Emma Murphy MELBOURNE — The National Union of Students' women's policy conference, "Fem X", was held at Melbourne University on September 26-27. About 100 women from around the country attended. The conference agenda was broad, including
CPSU prepares for action in the ACT By Francis Geraldson CANBERRA — The Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU) has notified the Australian Industrial Relations Commission of its intention to bargain with the ACT government. This allows the
ASIET attends human rights meeting in Jakarta By Max Lane On September 28-30, human rights and solidarity groups from around Asia met in Jakarta to discuss coordinating campaigns in support of democratisation in Indonesia. Groups based in
International news briefs Metalworkers strike continues Members of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa employed in small workplaces associated with the motor industry are continuing their indefinite national strike that began on
The following is abridged from an analysis of the September 27 German federal election results written last week by Germany's Party of Democratic Socialism. After 16 years, the era of Chancellor Helmut Kohl has come to an end in Germany. The
By David Bacon IRVINE, California — At the end of August, the gate into the Friction auto brake plant in Irvine swung shut for the last time. Its 110 workers moved on. It's not unknown for factories in the United States to close as their
By Francesca Davis In 1995, the environment movement had the Keating Labor government on the run when it mobilised thousands of people around the country to demand an end to woodchipping in Australia's native forests. The potential existed to
By Norm Dixon As South Africans awoke on September 22 and tuned their radios to the morning news, they could be forgiven for thinking they had entered a time-warp. The acting president, they heard, had ordered a force of 600-800 South African
By Arun Pradhan Several weeks ago, surfers visiting Australian political parties' web sites might have been surprised to see the Liberals' site defaced and full of links to pornography sites. As well as severely embarrassing the Labor Party
Union rally condemns Coalition By Ben Courtice MELBOURNE — About 12,000 people rallied here on September 30 in protest against the federal Coalition government's industrial relations laws. The protest was called by the Victorian Trades Hall