Intolerance By Brandon Astor Jones "When power leads man toward arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the areas of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of his existence. When power
Prison officers condemn private prison By Sarah Harris PERTH — The WA Coalition government wants a private company, Correction Corporation of Australia, to operate a proposed 750-bed medium security jail at Wooroloo, 50 kilometres east of
By Barry Sheppard Last September, Anthony Porter was scheduled to die. He had been on death row since 1983, and his time had come. Today he is free. His case is another in a growing list that demonstrates how the death penalty in the US comes down
Love's Labours Lost? "This is a very classic, almost Shakespearean story." — Alan Glueckman, who wrote the lyrics for a musical based on the Clinton-Lewinsky affair. The march of something-or-other "It is not possible to judge whether there
... and ain't I a woman?: Sex and sandwiches A clause referring to minimum dress requirements was deleted from three major awards by the Industrial Relations Commission on January 27. Commissioner Len Hingley said that the clause was outside
By Karen Ingram The US state of Oklahoma executed Sean Sellers on February 4. He had been on death row since 1986, when he was convicted for the murders of his mother and stepfather. Sellers was 16 years old when he committed the crimes. After
Help register socialists in Tasmania HOBART — The Democratic Socialists are attempting to register as a party with the Tasmanian electoral office. This will enable DS candidates to appear on state election ballot papers with their party
By Kim Bullimore CANBERRA — On the orders of parliamentary officials, federal police again attacked a peaceful protest by members of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy on the lawns of Parliament House on February 15. Police violently wrenched spears,
By Wendy Robertson According to Karl Marx, capitalism is a system based on the debasement, enslavement and exploitation of the majority by the few. Marx provided a scientific analysis for the struggle for human liberation, and a method to make
What's behind MUA rank-and-file revival? MELBOURNE — Community radio 3CR's Friday Breakfast Show interviewed Chris Cain and Ian Bray from the WA Maritime Union of Australia Rank and File on February 5. The interview, conducted by Susan Price, has
By Karen Fletcher Two reports on released recently in South Australia and Victoria raise a number of proposals of great concern to the community legal centre movement. "Community Legal Centres in South Australia: A Fabric for the Future" (May 1998)
Forests become an election issue By Simon Kenny On February 16, the Sydney Morning Herald reported that the wood supply guaranteed by the National Parks and Forestry Estate Act (1998) for the next 20 years is to be reviewed by the NSW Audit