" ... my heart goes out to those who may be suffering." — Esmerelda Exploration chairperson Brett Montgomery explaining why his company is refusing to accept responsibility for the contamination of water downstream from the cyanide spill
A hot French winter looms
By Stan Demidjuk
The new millennium in France has begun prophetically. Besides the snow, rain, tempests and storms, a wave of industrial and political action has swept across the country. France is in for a very hot
By Grant Coleman
In Orientation Weeks, student activists around the country are launching the campaign to stop the privatisation of higher education. The National Union of Students has called a national day of action on March 22 and numerous
Looking Out: 'I did'
By Brandon Astor Jones
"The judge is condemned when the criminal is absolved." — Publilius Syrus In 1979, while on trial for my very life, the "Honourable" Judge Luther Hames took frequent naps as the prosecution presented
ACT opposes mandatory sentencing
By James Vassilopoulos
CANBERRA — Three hundred people turned out to a protest on February 17 against mandatory sentencing in the Northern Territory and Western Australia. The rally, called with only two days'
By Marina Carman
There's nothing like the announcement of a government-sponsored national youth week to make a young person proud and happy — at least that's what David Kemp, the minister for education, training and youth affairs, is hoping.
Judging gender
Women appointed to the judiciary by Peter Beattie's Labor government in Queensland were there due to their gender, not their merit, former High Court chief justice Sir Harry Gibbs implied at a function at Brisbane's Supreme Court
2,000,000 behind bars in the US
Washington, DC — The Washington DC-based Justice Policy Institute (JPI) reported at the beginning of this month that on February 15, the United States jail population would top 2 million for the first time. Using
Tube workers to contest London elections
Tube workers to contest London election
By Iggy Kim
LONDON — On February 10, the Campaign Against Tube Privatisation (CATP) officially launched its slate of 11 candidates for the Greater London
By James Vassilopoulos
CANBERRA — Supporters of workers' rights discussed the implications of BHP's attempt to force their Pilbara work force into individual contracts at a Green Left Weekly forum here on February 16. Trevor Zeltner, the
Deckhands fight for jobs
By Robert Darcy
SYDNEY — Two hundred tugboat deckhands and their supporters gathered at Circular Quay on February 17 to protest efforts by Adsteam, the country's largest tugboat operator, to cut crew numbers from four
By Michael Bull
MELBOURNE — Building unions' campaign for a 36-hour week and a 24% pay rise entered a dangerous new phase on February 16, when union job delegate Colin Reddie was bashed outside his workplace. Reddie, a member of the Construction,
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