It was worth it A friend wrote recently, informing me of the pain his grand-daughter is experiencing. She is bi-racial and lives in a neighbourhood in England where only a few children look like her.  Children taunt her about
Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Sunday, 9-11pm. Ph 9565 5522. Access News — Melbourne community TV,
"Get sorry today, unchain John Howard's heart" was the message on one banner amongst a sea of support for reconciliation and justice for Aborigines at marches in Adelaide and Brisbane, which followed the example of the May 28 half-million people
SEOUL — The May 31 to June 4 general strike by South Korean workers has deepened differences between the reformist Democratic Labour Party (DLP) and militants seeking to build a counter-offensive against President Kim Dae Jung's neo-liberal
DENIS HALLIDAY worked for the United Nations for 34 years as a specialist in Third World development. In August 1997 he was appointed the UN's chief relief coordinator in Iraq where he supervised the "oil-for-food" program until his very public
WINDSOR, Ontario — On June 4, 3000 people demonstrated against a meeting of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Windsor, Ontario.  The OAS, which is based in Washington, involves the heads of state of all countries in the
BY CHRIS SPINDLER MELBOURNE — Some three weeks after winning the ballot, Craig Johnston was on June 9 confirmed as the new Victorian state secretary of the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union. Johnston was delayed from taking office by court
UNITED STATES: Left internet site censored Since 1993, the Burn! internet site has been an important source of solidarity for militant liberation movements. Burn! hosts the web sites of groups in the front line of struggles in Chiapas
BY ANTHONY BENBOW PERTH — “Kierath says our existence is a 'planning mistake'. We've been here at Wattleup four decades, Hope Valley a century — that's long before the heavy industry at Kwinana. So which one is the 'planning mistake'?”
BY SUSAN AUSTIN BRISBANE — Twelve health unions, led by the Queensland Nurses Union, are planning to step up industrial action in response to Queensland Health's refusal to budge in negotiations on a new enterprise agreement. Work
Asbestos scare in Parramatta BY OWEN RICHARDS SYDNEY — The Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union has banned construction work on the old David Jones site in Parramatta here after discovering asbestos. CFMEU state secretary Andrew
Forum: Sri Lanka bans 'talk of peace' BY JAMES VASSILOPOULOS CANBERRA — Sri Lankan President Chandrika Kumaratunga has “banned talk of peace and for the first time in Sri Lankan history if you criticise the president, laws are used