BY EVA CHENG Prompted by the 1997-98 world economic crisis and after two years of rapid growth, the fledgling international movement for a "Tobin tax" — a tax on currency transactions to help curb financial speculation — is seeking to speed up
Campaign 2000 kicks into action BY CHRIS SPINDLER MELBOURNE — A 24-hour strike at white goods manufacturer Email on August 3 marks the first of possibly many industrial disputes here as manufacturing workers begin their cross-industry Campaign
South Australia says no to N-dump BY JIM GREEN What part of the word "no" does federal science minister Nick Minchin not understand? A poll conducted by Channel 7 in July last year found that 93% of South Australians oppose the siting of a
GST: rolling back the opposition In the month since the introduction of the Howard government's goods and services tax, the big-business propaganda machine — commonly referred to as the "mass media" — has mounted a sustained attack on the ALP's
Spotlight on Indonesia and West Papua Independence activists killed in West Papua Two residents attempting to hoist West Papua's Morning Star independence flag in the coastal city of Sorong were shot dead by Indonesian police on July 28. More
A screenshot of the Global Action / S11 website launched by Green Left in 2000.

BY JORGE JORQUERA MELBOURNE — In preparation for the S11 protests against the World Economic Forum meeting here in September, Green Left Weekly has launched a new web site.

FIJI: 'Indigenous rights' smokescreen for elite rule Terrorist leader George Speight has claimed that his gang's kidnapping of the government of Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudhry was to defend "indigenous" Melanesian Fijians' political
Tale of a numb bum For the sake of argument, if I were to get you to sit there for a long time you'd end up with a numb bum. Of course, you'd need a fair share of reading matter or a particularly long movie or speech to warrant being sedentary
  Hiroshima Day BY JENNY LONG SYDNEY — Three hundred people gathered here on August 5 to mark the 55th anniversary of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and to protest against war and the nuclear industry.
Impeccably neutral "[Australian Broadcasting Authority chairperson David Flint] has impeccable political connections — he is close to the Prime Minister — and is seen by the industry as neutral." — Anne Davies in the Sydney Morning Herald.
BY SEAN HEALY SYDNEY — NSW Premier Bob Carr's Labor government appears hell-bent on committing 230,000 tonnes of predominantly old-growth timber from north-east NSW to be burned each year for charcoal at Gunnedah, the North East Forest Alliance
BY ZANNY BEGG SYDNEY — A determined Aboriginal community would not be deterred by Olympics organisers' boast that "not one black toe would cross the Homebush Bay line", the Indigenous Social Justice Association's Ray Jackson told a packed public