BY SUE BULL& TIM GOODEN UTTAR PRADESH, India — As Australian activists debate the tactics of blockades following the September 11-13 protests in Melbourne, we could learn a great deal from the Indian practice of gherao (meaning blockade or
BY MARCE CAMERON HAVANA — On November 14, a rally of 12,000 people took place outside the US interests section, Washington's unofficial embassy in Cuba. The rally was against the US blockade and was televised that night throughout Cuba and

Mass strikes and protests have shaken Africa's last absolute monarchy. A movement, led by the Swaziland Federation of Trade Unions (SFTU), political and student groups, has been demanding labour and democratic reforms. In response,

BY KATHY NEWNAM It will be worth watching the business section of the news on May 1, 2001, local Resistance organiser Sam King told a public meeting in Adelaide on November 11. The meeting, organised by Resistance and the Democratic Socialist
Accidental good Writing more than a century ago, Frederick Engels commented that the outcome of scientific and technological development always has unexpected consequences. He gave the example of the discovery of alcoholic distillation
BY PAUL OBOOHOV CANBERRA — Members First candidate for deputy president of the ACT branch of the Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU), Deborah Lally, is focusing her campaign on the lack of action taken by the ACT and national union
BY PIP HINMAN Prime Minister John Howard, under pressure, once described the successive Australian governments' approaches to East Timor as “bipartisan wrong policy”. Yet this hasn't influenced his views on the self-determination struggle
BY STEPHEN O'BRIEN Any participants who hoped for a radical anti-globalisation message at the "Make it here or jobs disappear" November 15 rally in Newcastle would have been disappointed. The 3000-strong rally was billed as part of the movement
BY PAT BREWER HAVANA — "We affirm our conviction that the Cuban people have the unquestionable right to construct their own model of economic, political and social development, to decide their own future without interference or aggression and to
BY BRONWYN JENNINGS BALLARAT — Bans imposed by trade union members at Ballarat University have broken the stalemate in negotiations between management and staff. The bans, which came into effect on November 13, were imposed on exam supervision
BY JIM GREEN The human impact on climate change is more certain than ever before and the Earth's main surface temperature is predicted to rise further than previous estimates, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The
BY YACOV BEN EFRAT JAFFA — The al-Aqsa intifada has succeeded in altering agendas both in Israel and the region. In Israel, it has drawn Arab citizens into the struggle for the first time, while pushing the Labour Party rightward. In the wider