BY LISA MACDONALD On August 6, the United States' brutal sanctions on Iraq will have been in place for 11 years. The Socialist Alliance, along with the Worker Communist Parties of Iraq and Iran, and the Committee to Defend Iraqi Women's Rights, has
BY SEAN MARTIN-IVERSON Michael Arnold (GLW #455) makes a very good case for drug legalisation as an alternative to "law and order" or "harm minimisation" strategies. Sadly, many people in the campaign for drug law reform have been pursuing
BY LAUREN CARROLL-HARRIS SYDNEY — Forty activists protesting the police murder of 23-year-old Genoa protester Carlo Giuliani were met with large black steel barricades and dozens of police and security guards when they descended on the Italian
BY JAMES VASSILOPOULOS & DANNY FAIRFAX GENOA — It was like a rumbling thunder: chanting "Assassini" and "Genoa Li-be-ra", hundreds of thousands marched through the streets here on July 21 in an historic expression of people's power against
Marxism versus AnarchismBy Karl Marx, Frederick Engels, Leon Trotsky, John G. Wright and V.I. LeninResistance Books, 2001237 pages, $19.95 REVIEW BY KEARA COURTNEY The series of actions against corporate globalisation, from Seattle in 1999 and
On July 26 a young African man suicided in Villawood detention centre by hanging himself with a bedsheet. He had arrived at Sydney Airport a day and a half earlier, and had his visa cancelled by immigration officials — he was given no explanation
BY JON LAND As campaigning for the Constituent Assembly elections slowly gathers momentum across East Timor, the installation of Megawati Sukarnoputri as Indonesia's new president has drawn a mixed response from East Timor's political leaders and
BY CHRISTOPHER PERKINS WOLLONGONG — Illawarra TAFE institute management has upped the ante in its attempt to halt its library staff's stubborn fight against job cuts by threatening to dock the pay of union members who refuse to work evening
BY TIM GOODEN The federal government's July 25 announcement of a royal commission into the construction industry is a clear attempt to weaken organised labour and attack workers' rights in an area long a bastion of militant unionism. The
BY BRONWYN POWELL WOLLONGONG — "Mabo took 10 years, this is just one battle" — with these words Jeff Anderson, an Aboriginal activist of the Sandon Point Tent Embassy, pledged to continue the fight to save the sacred land at Sandon Point for as
BY MARGARITA WINDISCH MELBOURNE — The July 16 killing of security guard Steve Rogers at the well-respected Fertility Control Clinic in Melbourne has once again catapulted the abortion debate into the public domain, reminding many how tenuous a
BY ALISON DELLIT "Slowly, inexorably, attitudes towards the unborn, in all but the most ideologically inflexible, are changing to reflect our growing knowledge. That's not because of anti-abortion fanatics but because of undeniable science." —