BY NORM DIXON JOHANNESBURG — An alliance that includes South Africa's emerging grassroots activist movements was formed on July 29 to organise mass protests at the United Nations World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia
BY RICK MOLON DARWIN — A boisterous 120-strong crowd met outside Parliament House at lunchtime on August 3 to protest against the recently passed Northern Territory Public Order and Anti-Social Conduct Act. The act will empower police to
The Knowledge Nation report has exposed many Australians to the word "cadastre", which, as described by the report, is "an inventory of knowledge resources". Australia needs a cadastre, it is argued, because while already being an information
BY DIANA RANKIN MELBOURNE — This city's 19 consecutive weekly blockades of Nike superstore, and the coming Commonwealth Business Forum protest on October 3, prompted Resistance activists to get into training on July 28. Resistance activist
BY KATHERINE BRADSTREET SYDNEY — Undeterred by a strong Zionist presence on the campus, 40 activists and human rights supporters gathered for a forum at the University of New South Wales on August 2 to discuss "What solutions for Palestine?".
BY MARGARET ALLUM With the vocal religious right as his fighting partners, George W Bush and his team have escalated the war on women's rights, most notably in the sphere of reproductive choice. While Bill Clinton did nothing to reverse the
Ranting I "Globalisation describes what is happening. And ranting against globalisation is like ranting against the telephone. You can use the telephone for good or for ill. So too the wider process (of which the telephone is part) can be a force
Just because it's been acting unilaterally doesn't mean Washington has been acting alone: Canberra has been right there beside it all the way. Kyoto Protocol: Australia has worked in tandem with the United States to torpedo the Kyoto Protocol on
BY PIP HINMAN With Megawati Sukarnoputri freshly installed as president, and the country's armed forces, the TNI, in the ascendancy, the US government is moving swiftly to strengthen military ties with Indonesia. US defence secretary Donald
BY KERRY RIDGEWAY SYDNEY — In the week that marked the 50th anniversary of the UN refugee convention, human rights activists in Sydney and Melbourne mobilised to oppose the government's policy of forcible detention for all onshore asylum
BY FEDERICO FUENTES One hundred and eighty prisoners are still on hunger strike in Turkey's jails, staying firm despite the deaths of more than 60 hunger strikes since the protest began on October 20. The health of many of the hunger strikers has
BY ADAM MACLEAN The Australian Broadcasting Corporation is stuck in the middle of a very nasty global trend: with publicly-funded media increasingly under financial and editorial threat from hostile governments, important alternatives to the