BY PIP HINMAN It doesn't come as much surprise that PM John Howard has been so quick to visit Jakarta. Barely a day after the new Indonesian cabinet was announced, Howard was on his way to make a deal with the Sukarnoputri-military government. In
SYDNEY — Fifty activists held a protest outside the US consulate on August 6 to demand an end to the 11 year-old economic sanctions against Iraq on the anniversary of their introduction. Passers-by heard how the sanctions have had a crippling
BY EWAN SAUNDERS & TIM STEWART BRISBANE — Plans for a massive march on the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in October are gaining momentum, with plans by community groups and environmental and social justice organisations in the CHOGM
BY RUTH RATCLIFFE DARWIN — The Northern Territory Socialist Alliance branch has thrown itself into the August 18 NT elections, using the short election campaign to build opposition to the rampant racism of the Country Liberal Party government.
BY SARAH STEPHEN In 1989, Algeria's government stepped up its "Arabisation" program, imposing Arabic as the only language on the entire population, regardless of whether or not people spoke it. Even books were rewritten, from French into Arabic.
Hiroshima A-bombing marked BRISBANE — A graphic description of the terrible effects of the US atomic bombing of Hiroshima in 1945 was the keynote talk of an August 6 rally held here to mark the 56th anniversary of that catastrophic event. The
BY TYRION PERKINS The first Australian version of the television show Big Brother is finally over, but there is another in the pipeline. Channel 10 marketers did their job so thoroughly that even its news readers were plugging the show. Big Brother
BY AHMED NIMER RAMALLAH — As the intifada enters its 11th month, the scale of devastation wrought by Israel's war against the Palestinian people has reached levels unparalleled in the 33-year occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Since
Eighty supporters of Solidarity for the Acehnese Peoples Movement, mostly non-Acehnese, held a protest in Jalan Thamrin, a central Jakarta thoroughfare, on August 7. The demonstration, which included supporters from the People's Democratic Party,
Students fight casualisation NEWCASTLE — Resistance is supporting a campaign to save the fine arts faculty at Newcastle University. Eighty students from the faculty attended a meeting to oppose the forced casualisation of teaching staff and
BY SEAN HEALY Giant US soft drink company Coca-Cola is being sued in a US federal court for allegedly collaborating with death squads to kill, threaten and intimidate workers at Coca-Cola bottling plants in Colombia. The suit was filed on July 20
BY JEREMY SMITH GEELONG — Five hundred people rallied on August 9 to protest against Labor Premier Steve Bracks, in town to open the Geelong Sheraton Hotel. Most of the crowd were workers at Target whose jobs are under threat. Unionists in the