BY ALLEN JENNINGS MELBOURNE — Latin American solidarity activists have agreed to establish a Colombian Solidarity Collective after hearing first-hand tales about the impact of the US-imposed Plan Colombia by two visiting human rights advocates.
BY LISA MACDONALD SYDNEY — In May 1998, Akin Birdal was severely wounded in an assassination attempt. A year later he was sentenced to 10 months in the Ankara central prison — all because he has dared to speak out against human rights abuses
BY MAX LANE JAKARTA — The most right-wing elements among politically organised Islam have sought to use the US "war on terrorism" to seize the political initiative in the world's most populous Muslim nation. At the same time, Megawati
BY SUE JOHNSON George Bush and Tony Blair's war on terrorism is totally hypocritical. The Bush administration is quite happy to throw more than US$40 billion at the war effort, meanwhile back in the US, 44 million people live below the poverty
BY NICOLE COLSON CHICAGO — George Bush says that he wants to bomb Afghanistan in the name of "freedom and democracy". His father said the same thing when he went to war against Iraq in the 1991 Persian Gulf War. But at every step of the way —
BY RUSSELL PICKERING SYDNEY — The jaws of Newtown's Friday night dinner crowd dropped on October 19 as a noisy 200-strong community march blocked heavy city traffic as it proceeded up and then down King Street. Organised by the Grayndler branch
BY OWEN RICHARDS & ANDREA MYLES SYDNEY — In a protest unlike any before in this western Sydney suburb, 300 people marched defiantly through the streets of Auburn on October 20 under the banners "Stop the war!" and "Refugees are welcome!". The
BY ALISON DELLIT The October 12 release of the federal Coalition's industrial relations policy, "Choice and reward in a changing workplace", signalled the beginning of another round of attacks on workers' wages, conditions and industrial power.
The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World OrderBy Samuel P. HuntingtonTouchstone Books 1998367 pages $18.65 (pb) REVIEW BY EDWARD SAID Samuel Huntington's article "The Clash of Civilizations?" appeared in the Summer 1993 issue of
Museworthy: The Law of Violent Hands a torture chamber in my handa history of attempts the hand with a proper namea form of private sovereignty a hand coldly silver or dryly woodhustler aligning the world with horror the hand writing
Prisoners are human beings, too The average prisoner must deal with an atmosphere of unbridled violence so pervasive in US prisons that s/he must be prepared to physically defend his/her very life every moment — not just from assaults from
BY PIP HINMAN As the bombing of Afghanistan continues and ground troops move in, many more are increasingly horrified at Bush and Howard's so-called "war on terrorism". Why is Australia going to war against one of the poorest countries in the