BY EVA CHENG In November, Bangkok-based Focus on the Global South launched a useful 60-page expose of the dirty tricks that rich countries use to get their way within the World Trade Organisation. Power Politics of the WTO is based on extensive
Boy Overboard By Morris Gleitzman Puffin Books 144 pages, $14.95 (pb) REVIEW BY ANDREA BLAKE Boy Overboard is a book that tackles the issue of refugees by humanising their experiences. It is written for readers who are 10 years old
BY CLAYTON McDONALD BRISBANE — "Separately, our voices are weak, together we are strong and can show that the majority of Australians are people of peace", Reverend David Pitman of the Wesley Mission told the 500 people who gathered on December 2
BY KAREN FLETCHER MELBOURNE — Although the big news of the November 30 Victorian election was the massive swing to Labor and the Greens' remarkable results (particularly in inner-city seats), the Socialist Alliance has been quietly celebrating
BY NICK FREDMAN The Terrorism (Police Powers) Bill 2002, passed on December 4 by the NSW parliament, is a serious threat to democratic rights. It builds on increasing police powers granted by previous Labor and Coalition administrations, and shows
BY MIKE KARADJIS United Nations secretary general Kofi Annan, releasing a grand plan for the resolution of the 28-year-old Cyprus conflict on November 11, has given Greek and Turkish Cypriot leaders a one-month deadline to agree on its
BY MARG PERROT WOLLONGONG — The life of prominent union leader and left political activist Peggy Errey was commemorated by 150 people at her funeral in Wollongong on December 5. Peggy Errey was born in Ireland in 1914 to a staunchly republican
HARRY QUICK, ALP federal MP for Franklin in Tasmania and deputy opposition whip, spoke to Green Left Weekly's JAMES VASSILOPOULOS about the impending war against Iraq. Why do you oppose the planned war on Iraq? I've always been a pacifist. My
BY SARAH STEPHEN A Tunisian asylum seeker held in Woomera detention centre faces "voluntary" deportation to Syria in late December, along with two Palestinian men. They are the latest victims of the Department of Immigration and Multicultural and
Ruddock sued for $750,000 SYDNEY — Iranian refugees Mohammed and Zahraa Badraie announced on December 3 that they would seek $750,000 in compensation from the federal government for the psychological trauma and suffering inflicted on their
BY ALISON DELLIT Despite another critical Senate committee report, federal attorney-general Daryl Williams has again refused to accept amendments to the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Legislation (Terrorism) Amendment Bill.
BY DAVEY GARLAND When questions were asked in the British parliament a year ago about whether depleted uranium (DU) weapons had been used in the military strikes on Afghanistan, "It is not being used at present" was defence minister Geoff Hoon's