ROME — On March 4, the general secretary of Funzione Pubblica CGIL (the public sector workers' union affiliate of the General Confederation of Italian Workers) announced that there would be a one-day public sector general strike on March 15,
Terry O'Shane, chairperson of the Cairns Regional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC), spoke at the February 16 Cairns Peace Picnic. SUSAN AUSTIN interviewed him for Green Left Weekly. You are one of the many Indigenous
BY MICHAEL KARADJIS HANOI — "Several times, a large area was coated white. After a couple of days the leaves in the forest and the gardens turned yellow and fell off." This is how 50-year-old Nguyen Van Loc describes his first vision of a US
High and Mighty: SUVs — the World's Most Dangerous Vehicles and How They Got That WayBy Keith BradsherPublic Affairs Press, 2002468 pages, $62 hb BY PHIL SHANNON Explorer, Patrol, Land Cruiser, Discovery, Range Rover, Jackaroo — the names say
BY JON LAND After lengthy negotiations spanning several years, the Coalition government has finally bullied East Timor into accepting the terms of the new Timor Sea treaty. Talks had stalled in recent months because of the Australian government's
BY BUSTER SOUTHERLY Australia's singing cowboy James Blundell is singing a different tune to the posse of good ol' boys in the White House, led by George "Texas Ranger" Bush. The top-selling country singer has released a song, "Back it up",
BY EMMA CLANCY The Books Not Bombs Coalition was launched around the country on March 5, with thousands of its newsletters being distributed and meetings being held afterwards in some cities. Many high school activists and groups came into contact
BY DOUG LORIMER Washington has turned the diplomatic battle over the passage of a UN Security Council resolution that it can claim gives it a mandate to invade Iraq into a charade. The resolution itself is a cynical ploy. It does not provide any
Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activists' point of view. Includes the Green Left news. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Sunday, 9pm. Phone 9565 5522. Visit
BY ROHAN PEARCE The report by Hans Blix, head of UN weapons inspections in Iraq, to the UN Security Council on March 7 was a stunning blow to the US/British/Australian coalition's "case" for war. While Blix stated that Iraq had to produce more
MELBOURNE — More than 2000 people cheered and clapped as a number of great performers appeared on the stage of the Melbourne Concert Hall on February 28. They were there for the Morning Star Concert of West Papua. The biggest cheers went up every
BY NICK SOUDAKOFF The Philippines government has blamed the Moro Islamic Liberation Front for a March 4 bomb blast that ripped through a crowded bus shelter outside Davao City airport in Mindanao. The MILF has been blamed even though the Abu Sayyaf