In 1961, Raul Macias a 16-year-old secondary student from Santiago, Cuba, went to the Sierra Maestra mountains to teach the peasants to read and write. "We were teachers but we were also students learning about life from the peasants, about how
By Geoff Spencer PERTH - About 100 construction workers were exposed for three hours to a liquefied petroleum gas leak here recently. The workers eventually walked off the job complaining of giddiness, stinging eyes and sore throats, despite
By John R. Hallam Mishka and I entered Bangladesh from the north at Haldibari. Haldibari is a little-used entry point, one of only two between Bangladesh and India. We had been invited to Dacca by people from the Bangladesh Interreligious
By Liam Mitchell ADELAIDE - Fears have been raised that a fire at the Port Stanvac oil refinery in southern Adelaide on April 10 may have emitted toxic gases, polluting surrounding suburbs and residential areas. The Noarlunga City Council,
Labor, Prosperity and the Nineties: Beyond the Bonsai Economy By Michael Costa and Mark Duffy Federation Press. 201 pp. $25 Politics and the Accord By Peter Ewer et al Pluto Press. 190 pp. $16.95 Reviewed by Mike Rafferty Steve Painter's
On the bright side "There are no specific allegations against me of either corruption or illegality and I look forward to carrying on with the job." — Terry Metherell after the announcement of an Independent Commission Against Corruption
By Will Firth BERLIN - "Wir sind das Volk", chanted hundreds of thousands of demonstrators in cities throughout the GDR (East Germany) in late 1989, letting the ruling socialist Unity Party (SED) bureaucrats know that "the people" was more than
By Sally Low and Peter Annear Most of Britain's relatively large but deeply divided left campaigned hard for a Labour victory in the April 9 election, even though they opposed Neil Kinnock's "consensus politics" and "new realism". The
By Steve Painter The United Nations Earth Summit will be one of the largest political conferences ever, attended by around 100 heads of state and many more high government officials as well as about 30,000 delegates from around 160 countries.
On April 14, INFIGHT, the Indonesian Front for the Defence of Human Rights, issued the following open letter to Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating as he began his visit to Indonesia. This marks the first visit by an Australian Prime Minister
ADELAIDE - Aboriginal and trade union activist Peter Robin passed away on April 14 at the age of 51, after suffering a stroke. He was farewelled by a trade union funeral march through Semaphore on April 22, which ended in a ceremony at the
By Sue Bolton CANBERRA - Queanbeyan City Council has refused to support Desiko's bid to hold a thinly disguised Aidex arms exhibition in Queanbeyan. Desiko, with support from National Party MP for Monaro Peter Cochran, was proposing to hold an
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