BY DOUG LORIMER While preaching "non-proliferation" of weapons of mass destruction to underdeveloped countries — and using allegations of WMD development as a justification for invading Iraq and threatening to attack North Korea, Iran and Syria
BY JOHN NEBAUER ADELAIDE — More than 200 people protested outside federal community services minister Amanda Vanstone's office on July 28, demanding that funding for translating services for the deaf be restored. The South Australian Deaf
BY BILL NEVINS Ani Di Franco, who with a handful of US celebrities and musicians, has stood up bravely against the Bush regime's war policies and its intimidation of dissidents, will be the headline performer at the 42nd annual Philadelphia Folk
BY CHRIS LATHAM On July 11, Workplace Standards Tasmania delivered a notice to Tasmanian mining companies, directing them to end their dangerous work patterns. The problem was not equipment or training, it was working hours so long that workers'
BY JOHN NEBAUER& RENFREY CLARKE ADELAIDE — Strike action planned for August 4 by 600 bus drivers employed by the Serco bus company has been deferred while the workers wait for representatives of the state Industrial Relations Commission to visit
BY SARAH STEPHEN Haydar al Rahal arrived in Australia on August 13, 1999. The immigration department has refused al Rahal asylum — not because he didn't have well-founded fear of persecution if he was returned to Iraq, but because he spent time
BY GRANT COLEMAN On July 23, the ALP launched its policy for Australia's higher education system, "Aim Higher: Learning, Training and Better Jobs for More Australians". While the policy has similarities with the federal Coalition government's
Neither God nor evolution "The truly humanitarian system is not the Marxism espoused by Western intellectuals but the only system that can establish, as it historically has, the furtherance of life on Earth: capitalism." — From a commentary by
BY ROHAN PEARCE In its weekly situation update of July 22, the United Nations Office of the Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq revealed that the progress of its Emergency Mine Action Survey is "slower than expected". Between June 28 and July 16,
REVIEW BY RJURIK DAVIDSON The Gatekeeper: A MemoirBy Terry EagletonPenguin, 2001178 pages, $21.95 (pb)Marxism and Literary CriticismBy Terry EagletonRouledge, 2002 (originally 1976)$23Figures of DissentBy Terry EagletonVerso, 2003$46 (hb) As a
BY CHRISTANO KERRILA The radical government of President Hugo Chavez has faced many tests in its attempt to transform Venezuela. So far, the Venezuelan government has been able to rely on support from the country's poor and working people to win

California — Members of United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 2244 have voted out its long-time Administration Caucus (AC) leadership and elected a team of more pro-worker union leaders.