On December 4, defence minister Robert Hill announced that the Australian government will participate in making US President George Bush's trillion-dollar National Missile Defence (NMD) shield — better known as "Son of Star Wars" — a reality.
Clarrie Isaacs remembered My heart sunk at the news of Yaluritja's (Clarrie Isaacs) death. It was a life too short, but so full. His life was grounded in the Aboriginal community, but managed to weave its way through the socialist left, the trade

Since the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the US, President George Bush's speechwriters have never been shy about employing grand, bombastic turns of phrase. The commentators of the corporate media treat his empty and dishonest phraseology as profoundly important. Despite the White House's deceptions in the lead-up to the Iraq war and the continuing lie that Iraq is being “liberated”, Bush's November 6 announcement of Washington's “new policy” — “a forward strategy of freedom in the Middle East” — was not greeted with the derision it deserved.

BY JOHN FRAME An acclaimed documentary film-maker, Arthur Dong has released his first DVD project. The three-disc collection is titled Stories from the War on Homo Sexuality, and contains three of Dong's feature-length films: Coming Out Under Fire
BY DOUG LORIMER "It is not Vietnam, and there is no way you can make the comparison", Lieutenant-General Ricardo Sanchez, the top US general in Iraq, snapped at a reporter during a November 11 Pentagon press briefing in Baghdad. The reporter had
This is the last issue of Green Left Weekly for 2003. Our next issue will be published on January 14, 2004. See you in the new year! From Green Left Weekly, December 10, 2003. Visit the Green Left Weekly home page.
BY NICK FREDMAN The Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA) currently being negotiated between Canberra and Washington has been criticised as attacking the interests of working people and the environment. However, much of the
SYDNEY — The Australian Arabic Communities Council (AACC) has criticised the decision of the NSW government's Powerhouse Museum to remove parts of the Treasures of Palestine exhibition following representations by pro-Israel organisations. It was
BY AARON BENEDEK& MEGAN CONNOR SYDNEY — Fifty workers at the Insulation Solutions factory in the western suburb of Lidcombe went on strike on November 28. It was in response to more than four months of management opposition to their demand for a
BY TOM FLANAGAN LISMORE — One-hundred-and-fifty people gathered in Lismore's City Hall on December 4 to demand the retention and extension of rail services in the region. Organised by Northern Rivers Trains for the Future, the meeting called for
BY JORGE JORQUERA What would people think of Ernesto "Che" Guevara if he were around today? This leader of the 1959 Cuban revolution was anything but a moderate. He believed with extreme passion in the beautiful possibilities of humankind. Many
BY SARAH STEPHEN In the two months after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, University of NSW academic Kevin Dunn compiled a study on racism in Australia. More than half of the 5000 people surveyed said that they would be concerned about a relative