REVIEW BY PAT BREWER The End of Equality: Work, Babies and Women's Choices in 21st Century AustraliaAnne SummersRandom House, 2003336 pages, $39.95 It is unusual to see a scathing condemnation by a prominent government adviser on the state of
John Pilger, London In a valedictory piece on December 30, the Guardian commentator and leader writer Martin Kettle wrote: "Opponents of the [Iraq] war may need to be reminded that public opinion currently approves of the invasion by nearly two to
Matthew Cookson A successful and important conference took place in Cairo in Egypt on the December 13-14 weekend. The Second Cairo Conference Against Capitalist Globalisation and US Hegemony brought together anti-war activists from across the
Igor O'Neill & Cam Walker Melbourne-based company Newcrest has come under fire from Australian environmentalists for the situation in its gold mine in Halmahera Island in North Maluku, Indonesia. On January 7, a peaceful protest by community
David Bacon The free trade ideologues of the Bush administration see the occupation of Iraq as a beachhead into the Middle East and south Asia. Their first objective is the transformation of the state-dominated economy of what was once one of the