Alastair Greig & Dick Nichols The first issue of Seeing Red, the "forum of social, political and cultural dissent" launched by the Socialist Alliance, will be rolling off the presses in the next couple of weeks. While the members of the editorial
Stuart Martin, Melbourne Amid a howl of calls from employers for Victorian Premier Steve Bracks' Labor government to get tough on unions because the state is supposedly heading into industrial chaos, the government has threatened to wage war on
Married with a house in the suburbs, 1.9 kids and a white picket fence? No thanks. Some people on the left have echoed this caricature, arguing that radicals should oppose gay marriage — or at least turn our attentions elsewhere. True, marriage
Robyn Marshall, Brisbane The Liquor, Hospitality, and Miscellaneous Workers Union is taking an equity case to the industrial court to improve wages and conditions for childcare workers. The childcare industry is dominated by women workers, and
James Balowski, Jakarta In a statement issued on February 23, Amnesty International said that the five human rights activists and one other person who were detained by the Indonesian police between February 19 and February 23 in Indonesia's
Murray Smith, Paris The united campaign being waged by France's two largest revolutionary socialist parties — the Revolutionary Communist League (LCR) and Workers Struggle (LO) — for the March 21 regional elections is getting a good reception.
Kerryn Williams A century ago, women marched for the right to vote — and won (with the exception of Indigenous women, who could not vote until 1967). Almost half a century ago, women marched to demand equal pay for equal work — and won (at
The following letter was sent by the Western Suburbs Community Campaign Against Racism (to the residents of the Redfern Block in mid-February. Dear friends, We wish to express our condolences to the family and friends of Thomas "TJ" Hickey. This
A federal government-funded advertising campaign against domestic violence has been shelved indefinitely. At a cost of several million dollars, the series of advertisements designed to target emotional and physical abuse in young people's
Across Australia, Indigenous activists and their supporters have offered solidarity to the residents of Redfern Block. Brisbane Murri activist Sam Watson spoke to Green Left Weekly's Marce Cameron about the reaction. Watson, who will stand for the
Imagine... Imagine a world where any woman could walk down any street, day or night, and feel no fear of harassment or assault, and where society denounced domestic violence as so abhorrent that every home was safe. Imagine a world where girls
Norman Brewer, Sydney "TJ had 17 years. We have the rest of our lives to never forget him. We have to remember TJ, we have to remember all the deaths at the hands of the [state]", Redfern community leader Jenny Munro told a 550-strong memorial