Does the fear of refugees flooding Australia keep you awake at night? Do you agree that ASIO needs more powers to track down, detain and interrogate "illegal" and "suspicious" people, especially Muslims? If your answer is "Yes", then PM John Howard
Graham Matthews, Melbourne Staff cuts and lengthening queues were the subject of a street protest organised by the Wills branch of the Socialist Alliance at the Moreland Centrelink office on July 9. Forty people participated in the protest,
The federal election date may not yet be determined, but the vote-buying scams are already in full swing. We've already been treated to tens of millions of dollars worth of publicly funded political advertising for the Coalition government. On
BY VANNESSA HEARMAN With the plethora of reality TV, and thinly disguised corporate marketing, documentaries are bringing people back to cinemas. As the Melbourne Age's Larissa Dubecki wrote on May 11: "Reality TV's malaise might now be judged a
Chris Slee, Melbourne Two Iraqis living in Australia, both of whom have recently returned from visits to their homeland, addressed 50 people at a forum organised by the International Socialist Organisation, an affiliate of the Socialist Alliance,
Tariq Ali Before the war, they said Iraq had "weapons of mass destruction" that threatened the West. Those of us who opposed the war said this was a lie. US President George Bush, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Australian PM John Howard
Alison Dellit "Not to give Mr Howard too much credit but he at least appears to have half a brain. Half, I said. Half. I'm being generous. But what is he doing with George W. Bush? It's really disgraceful", documentary film-maker Michael Moore told
Kamala has been a socialist activist for 10 years. She was involved in the campaigns for a free East Timor, for decriminalisation of abortion, for the protection of old-growth forests and against nuclear testing in the Pacific. She has helped
Dirty tricks on Grocon site On June 29, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) steward Nazza Ottobre was moving the union office in Grocon's Eureka Towers construction site from the basement to the next level when he found a
Kamala Emanuel, Hobart Workers at Tasmania's two casinos will stop work on July 14 in Launceston and on July 15 in Hobart, to consider their response to Federal Hotels' latest pay offer. This follows a resumption of negotiations with the Liquor,
NEW ZEALAND: Maori party scores 92% in by-election Maori Party leader Tariana Turia scored the new party's first election victory on July 10, picking up 6869 of the 7454 votes cast in a by-election in the Maori electorate of Te Tai Hauauru. Turia,
Susan Price Will the ALP start to back away from its workplace relations policy under pressure from the Business Council of Australia? The response of ALP industrial relations spokesperson Craig Emerson to the Access Economics assessment of the