#2 Meat workers win after long battle LAUNCESTON — On September 15, an 18-month industrial dispute came to an end at Blue Ribbon's plant in St Leonards. Seventeen workers received $500,000 in wages owed, which had accumulated since the
James Hardie Just read the write up on "James Hardie: Murder by another name" (GLW #598) and want to thank you for writing something on this as my father passed away in June 2002 from mesothelioma. This company, I feel, murdered my father. Thanks
More than 2000 Australians die annually due to workplace accidents and disease. Each day, 50 young workers suffer work-related injuries, five of them leading to permanent incapacity. A worker is injured seriously enough to lodge a workers'
Sue Bolton, Melbourne Within 24 hours of sending out a sign-on statement calling for Australian trade unionist Craig Johnston to be released from jail, unions, left parties and activists in 10 countries had signed their support for the statement.
#3 Rock against Howard BRISBANE — Five-hundred people crammed into the Arena on September 16 for the Rock Against Howard national tour. Steve Towson, the Herd, Frenzal Rhomb and Democrats Senator Andrew Bartlett provided entertainment and
The establishment has finally got their way and sloughed me up. Please thank everyone for the fabulous support. I've been treated very well by both the inmates and the screws. Met a few local identities here and had a laugh. I suppose the worst
Jim McIlroy, Brisbane "The huge publicity circus surrounding Pauline Hanson's surprise announcement of her candidature as an independent in the Queensland Senate race, in contrast to the absolute refusal of the big-business media, in particular the
Max Lane In a move criticised by Indonesian human rights organisations, interim home affairs minister Hari Sabarno announced on September 15 that officers of the National Intelligence Body (BIN), a civilian agency reporting directly to the
Josh Deegan was one of the many who died in the Bali bombing in October 2002. Since then, his father, Brian Deegan, has asked repeatedly why Australian officials didn't make public the information that suggested that Bali could have been the target
Tim Stewart & Paul Benedek "My vision is a very simple one: I just want a place where every child born on this land is able to grow up in an environment free from hostility and insecurity, realise his or her potential and make a worthwhile
John Pilger, Mumbai The crows beat their wings against the bay windows, waiting to ascend and dive. Their cries are incessant; it is their apocalyptic swarm that is different in India. They dance in the rain and wait in the yellow heat of
Scott Poynting There's a very old joke about a man sprinkling a mysterious white powder all around the walls of his house. A bystander asks, "What's that for?" The man replies, "To keep away dangerous elephants". Says the bystander, "But there's no