On November 26, an asylum seeker doused himself in petrol inside the British Home Office's immigration headquarters, in front of a long queue of asylum seekers. He said that he was going to set himself alight. Police officers guarding the centre
No politician wants to be associated with the James Hardie scandal. Who can blame them? Australia has the world's highest per capita incidence of mesothelioma, one of the painful forms of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos fibres. By 2020, 18,000
Sue Bolton, Melbourne A mini-bus of workers from the SPC Ardmona cannery in Mooroopna, central-northern Victoria, were joined by other Australian Manufacturing Workers Union members in a protest outside the company's headquarters on November 30.
I stand with the people of Fallujahas they try to repel the Yankee murderer.I cry with the children and their mothersas they stare at the bodies of their brothers.I walk through the ruins of their housesand watch while the wives bury spouses. From
A half-day stoppage brought Italy to a halt on November 30, as millions of workers protested the planned 2005 austerity budget of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. Berlesconi is planning sweeping cuts to public spending, particularly on public
#3 Don't log Recherche Bay HOBART — French ambassador to Australia Patrick Henault visited Recherche Bay on December 1. Environmentalists were hoping for official French support for the campaign to stop logging at the bay, however Henault
#1 NT power workers take action DARWIN — Power station workers, control room operators, technicians and other workers covered by the Communication, Electrical and Plumbing Union (CEPU) have held a series of workplace meetings and vowed to
The Trouble with Capitalism: an Enquiry into the Causes of Global Economic FailureBy Harry ShuttZed Books, 1998238 pages, $36 (pb) REVIEW BY EVA CHENG Since the worldwide shift to neoliberal policy in the early 1980s, capitalist apologists have
As of November 18, Chilean women can finally achieve financial independence from abusive husbands, as the country finally legalised divorce. Until now, the only ways to end a marriage in Chile were to have it annulled, which is complicated, must be
Three US broadcast networks have rejected an advertisement from the United Church of Christ, deeming it too controversial. The ad is designed to advertise the church's welcoming policy, particularly towards gay men and lesbians. It depicts two
Twenty years after the horrific disaster in Bhopal, probably responsible for 20,000 deaths, the victims are still fighting for compensation. This article on this act of mass murder is abridged from <http://bhopal.com>, where information on
Pavita Khosa, Sydney On December 1, 150 people came to hear John Pilger launch his latest book. The event was organised by the North Sydney Library. Tell Me No Lies: Investigative Journalism and its Triumphs pays tribute to some of the greatest