Kathy Newnam, Darwin
Local Murdoch rag the NT News is once again rallying the troops in support of the further militarisation of the Northern Territory.
On January 20, the paper carried a report of last year's missile defence program trials just
Jeff Shantz, Toronto
A controversial report released by the Washington Post on January 23 has put a harsh spotlight back on the Canadian government's plans for involvement in the US-sponsored missile defence shield program.
The report, which
Stories from Rwanda is an historical account of how, in the space of around two months in 1994, nearly 1 million Rwandan people were killed by their compatriots.
Chris Slee, Melbourne
A meeting held by the Moreland Peace Group in Brunswick on January 24 discussed the arrest of Jack Thomas under Australia's "anti-terrorism" laws.
Thomas is being held in Barwon prison near Geelong. His brother Les Thomas
Roberto Jorquera
Solidarity activists from around Australia are preparing for an international solidarity brigade to Venezuela in July-August. The Brigade will include participation in the World Federation of Youth and Students (WFDY) conference
February 2
1912: In Brisbane, 15,000 demonstrators are confronted by armed police on Black Baton Friday.
1943: The Red Army forces Germany to surrender after the siege of Stalingrad.
February 3
1912: 32,000 textile workers strike in Lawrence,
Stuart Martin, Melbourne
Electrical Trades Union (ETU) members have received a minor setback in their fight for an enterprise agreement with BlueScope Steel at the Western Port facility in Hastings, Victoria. On January 17 the Australian Industrial
Sarah Stephen, Sydney
Refugee supporters rallied on January 25 outside the Downing Centre Local Court. The rally coincided with a court appearance by refugee-rights activists who have been charged with allegedly helping escapees from the Villawood
Doug Lorimer
On January 15, US Army soldier Charles Graner was sentenced by a court martial to 10 years' imprisonment for his role in physically abusing and sexually humiliating Iraqis held at the US-run Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad in 2003. A few
According to police estimates, more than 200,000 people participated in the January 26 rally to mark the beginning of the fifth World Social Forum. Finishing on January 31, the WSF brought together 150,000 activists from more than 100 countries,
On January 26, British Home Secretary Charles Clarke outlined planned "control orders", which would enable the government to subject those suspected of terrorism to house arrest, curfews or tagging, without needing to try them. The announcement
Anna Samson
"Well we killed them in cricket, turned back their refugees/But now the time is right to offer help/Linking arms together, sing aloud in harmony/So we can feel good about ourselves."
So goes part of the lyrics of the satirical ditty
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