In possible signs of a renewed attack on file sharing, on May 25 FBI agents simultaneously executed 10 search warrants across nine states to shut down Elitetorrents.org, a free members-only BitTorrent aggregate site hosted in the Netherlands.
Kim Bullimore On May 15, the Israeli government voted to extend racist amendments to Israel's citizenship laws, preventing the reunification of up to 21,000 Israeli and Palestinian families. The amendment to the Law of Citizenship and Entry
I Hate AustraliaAdam GeczyCanberra Contemporary Art SpaceUntil June 4<http://www.ccas.com.au> REVIEW BY MICHAEL ASCROFT In I Hate Australia's exhibition essay, Geczy gives his justifications for delivering such a deliberately
After it became one of the few governments deporting Zimbabwean asylum seekers this year, London has significantly embarrassed in the last few months by such deportees creating ugly scenes at international airports. The tactic has proved effective in
Sue Bolton, Melbourne Craig Johnston is a "magnificent man ... who should be part of the struggle that needs to be fought. We have a massive job ahead of us, and it is fortuitous that on this day, the day that the Coalition announces an
Sarah Stephen The May 31 Australian's editorial, titled "Rau and Alvarez cases not race-based", launched a vicious attack on "opportunists who want to exploit these two dreadful incidents as examples of a racist government's racist policies". The
Jon Lamb, Darwin Media hype over agreement between the East Timor and Australian governments on the disputed maritime boundary between the two countries has been clouded by a series of contradictory claims since the conclusion of the most recent
CHICAGO — The US right-wing is out to further restrict a woman's right to choose abortion — and Democratic leaders who claim to be pro-choice are surrendering even more ground. On April 28, the House of Representatives passed the Child
Throughout May, 10,000 Ugandans will be recruited to work as "security personnel" in Iraq, and US military bases worldwide. The recruitment effort is spearheaded by World Wide Special Operations, who work with multinationals and governments to
Refugees Congratulations to the Liberal and National Party members who are speaking out for refugees and asylum seekers. Abuses of powerless people occur when they are isolated from any help and placed in the care of a "prison type" system. It
Kerryn Williams, Sydney TAFE workers will join university staff around Australia on June 1 to protest the federal Coalition government's attacks on the tertiary education sector. In NSW, TAFE employees will stop work to participate in city
Karen Fletcher Bespectacled anthropology professors may not fit the militant unionist stereotype, but they and their comrade faculty administrators, research scientists, sessional tutors and IT help-desk jockeys are becoming an increasingly