Meeting discusses abortion law campaign By Tracy Sorensen SYDNEY — A meeting of pro-choice organisations and individuals has decided to test support for a campaign for the repeal of the state's abortion laws. A workshop to map out strategy
By Felicity Ruby Stall 117 at Aidex housed the Aerospace Foundation, advertising "The Essential Asia-Pacific Aerospace Event ... to reinforce Australia's place as the centre of Aerospace research and development design and production".
Another player in the backlash? The "wild men" tell us that we have ignored them for too long. But not any more: the wild men are on the move. Over recent months, there has been a tremendous amount of interest in the many issues that surround
Labour chooses new leader By Frank Noakes LONDON — On July 18, John Smith became Labour's 14th parliamentary leader. The result was never in any doubt. Smith, from the party's right wing, won the leadership with 91% of the vote in a
Greens and birth rates Your correspondent Ed Lewis (Write on, July 22) equates Green enthusiasm for a falling birth rate with rejoicing over a higher death rate (reply to my earlier letter about Russia's "catastrophic" falling birth rate). This
Labour to stand in six counties? By Catherine Brown LONDON — "Democracy Now" was launched here in July with the intention of changing the British Labour Party's policy on party and electoral activity in the north of Ireland. Currently,
By Norm Dixon "We who believe in freedom cannot rest We who believe in freedom cannot rest until it comes Until the killing of black men, black mothers' sons Is as important as the killing of white men, white mothers' sons We who believe in
By David Robie AUCKLAND — Prime minister Jim Bolger's government calls for an investigation into allegations of extortion from homeless Pacific islanders desperate for living quarters by staff of the state-owned Housing New Zealand

Andrew Garton was in Brazil for the Earth Summit in June. The following account of some of his impressions is excerpted from the forthcoming book, In the Shadow of UNCED, edited by Param Berg. The Rio of the '90s is nothing like I imagined it to

By Pip Hinman It's almost received wisdom within some sections of the women's movement that to be a feminist is to support censorship of pornography. But a growing number of feminists are concerned about anti-pornography campaigns. We
By Harold Pinter In his State of the Union message to Congress in January 1992, President George Bush declared that in this "defining moment" the world "recognised one sole and pre-eminent power, the United States". And because it is the
Greenpeace confronts whaler The Greenpeace ship Solo began shadowing the Norwegian whaling vessel Nybraena off the coast of Russia in late July. The vessel is one of six licensed by the Norwegian government to kill around 110 minke whales for